

The Grammy For Song Of The Year Goes To

The Grammy For Song Of The Year Goes To

By: johnrussell  •  Other  •  18 Comments  •  6 years ago

THIS IS AMERICA by Childish Gambino  has won the Grammy Award for Song Of The Year. Thoughts? Don't be shy.
End Of The World

End Of The World

Via: nowhere-man  •  Other  •  61 Comments  •  6 years ago

Come see the world end.... (as told on the big screen)
Just an average day of facing down Illegal Aliens on my property

Just an average day of facing down Illegal Aliens on my property

Via: 1stwarrior  •  Other  •  50 Comments  •  6 years ago

1/26/19 like any other normal day, I walked outside around 4:45pm to go feed the horses and as soon as I step one foot out the front door I hear just nonstop yelling. I look across the drive and...
Newstalkers Advice Column

Newstalkers Advice Column

By: katrix  •  Other  •  100 Comments  •  6 years ago

I like to read various advice columns; sometimes the answers are hilarious.  So, I am starting one in here.  I'll go first.   Useful advice is appreciated, but humorous advice will be more...
Figure Out Where to Put the Apostrophe With This Handy Flowchart

Figure Out Where to Put the Apostrophe With This Handy Flowchart

Via: bob-nelson  •  Other  •  49 Comments  •  6 years ago

For some of us, grade-school grammar lessons haven’t stuck. I managed fairly well with my trusty Elements of Style until pretty recently, but the ongoing assault on grammar that is the Internet...
What are you doing for New Years Eve?

What are you doing for New Years Eve?

By: kathleen  •  Other  •  53 Comments  •  6 years ago

What is everyone doing for New Years Eve? Are you going out? Staying home? Any New Years resolutions? Happy New Years Everyone, I hope you all have a happy healthy year for you and your family.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday's to everyone.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday's to everyone.

By: kathleen  •  Other  •  64 Comments  •  7 years ago

I would like to wish everyone on Newstalkers a wonderful Christmas and holiday season.  I hope all your dreams come true and you all stay in good health. I hope Santa brings you what you want.....
Elderly neighbor's Christmas generosity melts hearts

Elderly neighbor's Christmas generosity melts hearts

Via: johnrussell  •  Other  •  1 Comments  •  7 years ago

www.msn.com Elderly neighbor's Christmas generosity melts hearts Caitlin O'Kane 4 hrs ago A story about Christmas gifts bought many years in advance is melting hearts across the world....
Tim Tebow's Valentine's game plan: Special needs proms throughout nation

Tim Tebow's Valentine's game plan: Special needs proms throughout nation

Via: nona62  •  Other  •  1 Comments  •  7 years ago

Tim Tebow's Valentine's game plan: Special needs proms throughout nation Please bear in mind that this article is about a good deed...thanks Tebow, one of the greatest college football...
Silent Night

Silent Night

By: kathleen  •  Other  •  19 Comments  •  7 years ago

There has been many versions of Silent Night over the years and it is really hard to pick which one would be your favorite.  Some I really liked and some not so much.  Which one would be your all...
Mom cancels baby shower after family ridicules name choice: ‘He will not be allowed to have a nickname’

Mom cancels baby shower after family ridicules name choice: ‘He will not be allowed to have a nickname’

Via: jasper2529  •  Other  •  47 Comments  •  7 years ago

A woman has gone viral online for allegedly canceling her baby shower because her family and friends were unsupportive of her choice of baby name: Squire Sebastian Senator. “Dear Members of the...
What Do You Want For the Holidays?

What Do You Want For the Holidays?

By: spikegary  •  Other  •  128 Comments  •  7 years ago

It's that time of year again.  So, what are you hoping to get for the Holidays (trying to be inclusive here)? What presents would you like to see show up?  This is for fun - not for the standard...


By: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Other  •  20 Comments  •  7 years ago

MESMER-EYES Can you not admit that you are drawn to those eyes - and if so, I believe she is capable of hypnotizing. I think she could hypnotize me.
Whats your ride?

Whats your ride?

By: sparty-on  •  Other  •  314 Comments  •  7 years ago

A discussion yesterday got me thinking about this.   Curious as to what everyone drives.   The article picture is mine.   2017 1/2 Ton 4WD Ram Laramie Hemi.    Shitty mileage but gets the job...
The Updated CoC

The Updated CoC

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  2 Comments  •  7 years ago

Here is the updated CoC based on the voting from this article: The Results of the Polls The strikeouts are meant to clean up the language of the CoC. Any changes are in red. Please take note...
Megawatt-Class Lasers from Earth Could Attract Alien Astronomers, Says New Study

Megawatt-Class Lasers from Earth Could Attract Alien Astronomers, Says New Study

Via: dignitatem-societatis  •  Other  •  11 Comments  •  7 years ago

A new study , published in the Astrophysical Journal , suggests that if a 1- to 2-megawatt (MW) laser were focused through a 30- to 45-m telescope and aimed out into space, the combination...
7.5 billion and counting: How many humans can the Earth support?

7.5 billion and counting: How many humans can the Earth support?

Via: dignitatem-societatis  •  Other  •  298 Comments  •  7 years ago

7.5 billion and counting: How many humans can the Earth support? By  Andrew D. Hwang Humans are the most populous large mammal on Earth today, and probably in all of geological history....
Couple fell to their deaths at Yosemite while taking selfie, brother says

Couple fell to their deaths at Yosemite while taking selfie, brother says

Via: johnrussell  •  Other  •  7 Comments  •  7 years ago

SAN FRANCISCO --  A married couple who fell to their deaths in Yosemite National Park last week while taking a selfie, the man's brother said Tuesday. Meenakshi Moorthy, 30, and her...
Halloween Costumes of the 50's, 60's and 70's

Halloween Costumes of the 50's, 60's and 70's

By: johnrussell  •  Other  •  11 Comments  •  7 years ago

The ‘Saturday Halloween Movement': A petition beseeches Trump to reschedule the spooky celebration

The ‘Saturday Halloween Movement': A petition beseeches Trump to reschedule the spooky celebration

Via: pj  •  Other  •  18 Comments  •  7 years ago

Leave it to the calendar to put a major cramp in trick-or-treating. Halloween falls on a Wednesday this year. Hump day, smack in the middle of the workweek. Hoping to help a child put the...
A new poll, are you a Dog person, or a Cat person.

A new poll, are you a Dog person, or a Cat person.

By: kathleen  •  Other  •  1 Comments  •  7 years ago

I know some of us are in a heated topic this morning, but take some time to reflect and take a vote. Relax some.
A Replica of the Titanic Will Make Its Maiden Voyage in 2022

A Replica of the Titanic Will Make Its Maiden Voyage in 2022

Via: pj  •  Other  •  7 Comments  •  7 years ago

Never let go, Jack: A replica of the Titanic is going to make its maiden voyage in 2022. The Titanic II will set sail from Dubai on a two-week maiden voyage and will ultimately make regular trips...
"Their Music Has Been Corrupted"

"Their Music Has Been Corrupted"

Via: johnrussell  •  Other  •  11 Comments  •  7 years ago

"omg, I feel so sorry for young people today. Their music has been corrupted. Their generational culture has been corrupted. Their education, their spirit.... they will never know what the world...
Sad Day

Sad Day

By: johnrussell  •  Other  •  58 Comments  •  7 years ago

Our friend Sister Mary Agnes' beloved mother passed away yesterday.  Rest in peace.
I just did a Poll... You can only pick one for the rest of your life....

I just did a Poll... You can only pick one for the rest of your life....

By: kathleen  •  Other  •  2 Comments  •  7 years ago

Click on Poll and lets see which one everyone likes better...  Go to my home page and click "Polls" on the top bar. Everyone is invited....

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