Pot for Parents
Via: perrie-halpern
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
THE youngest of my three daughters was born around the same time I became a card-carrying medical cannabis patient. Even though I was only 44, Id been suffering from occasional back pain. I also...
Just one of those days... Rant
Via: msaubrey-aka-ahyoka
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
You know those days where it seems everyone wants to shit in your Wheaties right from the get-go? Yeah. One of those days. Personal life and work life with everyone elses whining, blaming,...
To good not to see
Via: tsula
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
The following as I understand it was preempted in favor of commercials during a Packers Game. I truly hope that this experiment works. LAMBEAU FIELD Those who attended the game said it was...
Via: tsula
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
I had a conversation with my daughter the other day about old time memories and being older than dirt she figured I would remember what follows and do I ever. Want to see just how many of you good...
Update About My Crazy Life
Via: feddy
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
This is my first time writing about my life here so bear with me. I don't write about my life to complain. It is therapeutic for me. Please be gentle with your comments as this is very personal for...
What is a High Powered Rifle?
Via: magnum
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
It is generally accepted that a rifle firing a projectile at 2200 fps, (feet per second), or greater is a high-powered rifle. All of the examples below, are above the speed making them...
Ladies and Gents - Subject: The Double Standard *just for fun*
Via: msaubrey-aka-ahyoka
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
**DISCLAIMER** - This is not to begin arguments nor to slam others. This is simply a fun and interesting discussion that can go awry. Jobs and Sexism - seemingly lessening on the sexist...
Freely Rambling on
Via: broliver-thesquirrel-stagnasty
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
Flying Down The Rat Hole.As I sit here typing, my mind is buzzing with abstractions, realities both false and far-flung; deceptions true and down to earth. I know not from which I come.Guns, oh,...
Content, Creativity, and Ownership, Where is the Line ?
Via: 1984-wasnt
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
I am a freak. I state that up front just to dispel any thoughts that I have preconceived ideas about the topics I shall now explore. I have published a whopping 75 articles on another venue, 50...
A Love Story Shared on the Internet
Via: perrie-halpern
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
Just such a wonderful story that I had to share it! Visit NBCNews.com for #999;font-weight:normal;height:13px;color:#5799db;" href="http://www.nbcnews.com"> breaking...
Life Has Changed For Me
Via: debra-sams-aka-life-traveler
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
Some people here at NewsTalkers already know me, and some don't. For those that already know me, this post is about how my life has changed since you've seen me last. Once upon a time, I...
Via: miss-construed
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
Admittedly this is one of those facebook style chain mails going around... but... I'm sharing it anyway.Homophobia - the fear that another man will treat you like you treat womenWe were discussing...
Random Acts of Kindness - Paying it Forward
Via: polly-cooper
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
It's unfortunate that we live in a world where Random Acts of Kindness make the news because they are so rare. I would like to live in a world where they are so plentiful that there wouldn't be...
Badge of Honor
Via: jim-huston
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
Well, it's finally happened: my Newsvine account has been permanently suspended, for "deathwishing" (seriously!),whatever that is; I guess NV has been reduced to inventing offenses in order to...
6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person
Via: broliver-thesquirrel-stagnasty
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person Came across this article this AM on FB. It was an interesting read and pretty funny. From The Article at Cracked : "Do what?" you ask. I...
What do you think I should do?
Via: kay-jenson
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
Hey everyone, It seems I have become the women and children rescue for my area. My son had a child with AK, so she and my grandaughter live with me. She just moved back to my home from Illinois...
An Almost Random Act of Kindness.
Via: 1984-wasnt
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
A friend of mine brought to my attention that a friend of theirs was in distress.Not a big story, shit happens to good people everyday, and it is so easy to fall into that mindset, what does this...
A Random Act of Kindness, Part II
Via: 1984-wasnt
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
It is way past my bedtime, But I have had a what I must call a spiritual experience, and the muse seems to be on duty. I know better than to fight the muse, but I will add a disclaimer, that no...
Through Conscious Beings
Via: rose-gardener
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
" ... we human beings are able to grasp at least some of nature's secrets. We have cracked part of the cosmic code. Why this should be, just why homo sapiens should carry the spark of...
Using Facebook posts to make other people look bad
Via: polly-cooper
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
I am currently involved in a personal situation which I am trying to keep between me and my kids. Texting, messaging, etc. So my oldest (who by the way is the CAUSE of the situation) has now begun...
My Conspiracy 'Hypothesis' about the New Vine
Via: wheel
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
I've tried to stay 'above the fray', so to speak, about the whole mess on the Vine. Haven't been over there mourning the loss, haven't been doing (much) posting here about the whole mess....
CIA/Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou Reports to Prison Today
Via: z
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
Today, Feb. 28, CIA/torture whistleblower John Kiriakou will report to the Federal Correctional Institute in Loretto, Pennsylvania, to begin a 30-month prison term. Kiriakou's attorney, GAP...
Unsolicited and unwanted phone calls
Via: sparrow
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
I've been on the Do Not Call List (DNCL) since there has been such a list. After my divorce, my number has changed three times and the first thing I've done each time, is register my new number. I...