Tagged: religion
SATIRE: Archie Bunker on Religion ("All In The Family")
Via: krishna
News & Politics
4 years ago
Wikipedia: All in the Family is an American sitcom television series that was originally broadcast on the CBS television network for nine seasons, from 1971 to 1979. Afterwards,...
As science learns more, God/s are needed less
By: gordy327
4 years ago
Throughout human history and across many cultures, probably going back to the Stone Age, humans have engaged in a "god of the gaps" mentality when it came to the inexplicable or phenomenon that...
Trump Bravely Affirms Framers, Religion, and Life
Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1
News & Politics
5 years ago
Trump is right. Human life, the pre born infant is a mighty creation in the image of almighty God. Trumps reliance on and comments regarding our founding and the founders ideals is right on.
The Beginning of the Universe (Who are the Yazidis)
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
History & Sociology
2 years ago
Unusually good article abut a group that is little known in the west: LALISH, IRAQ In Northern Iraq there is a place called Lalish where the Yezidis say the universe was born. I drove...
U.S. Catholic Cardinal Favors Restricting ‘Large-Scale’ Immigration Of Muslims
Via: krishna
News & Politics
6 years ago
Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke (AP/Gregorio Borgia) Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, a staunch Catholic traditionalist and one of Pope Francis’ leading critics , said restricting Muslim immigration...
A wealthy televangelist explains his fleet of private jets: ‘It’s a biblical thing’
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
6 years ago
In the waning days of 2015, renowned televangelist Kenneth Copeland laid out exactly why he needs a luxury private jet to do his job: you can’t “talk to God” while riding commercial. Criticized at...
Supreme Court seems inclined to retain cross on public land
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
6 years ago
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court seemed inclined Wednesday to rule that a 40-foot-tall cross that stands on public land in Maryland is constitutional, but shy away from a sweeping ruling. The case...
Ringing in a Christian Nationalist 2019 With an Even Larger Legislative Playbook
Via: don-overton
Religion & Ethics
7 years ago
State legislatures across the country became showcases for Christian nationalist legislation in 2018. Leading the charge was the ominously named Project Blitz — a coalition of Christian Right...
Protests after Pakistan frees Christian woman sentenced to death over blasphemy
Via: krishna
News & Politics
7 years ago
Supporters of the Tehrik-e-Labaik Pakistan, Islamist political party chant slogans, during a protest in Peshawar. (REUTERS/Fayaz Aziz) ISLAMABAD/LAHORE (Reuters) - Pakistan's Supreme...
Key findings about Americans’ belief in God —April 25, 2018
Via: calbab
Religion & Ethics
7 years ago
Key findings about Americans’ belief in God By Dalia Fahmy April 25, 2018 (Lucas Schifres/Getty Images) In recent years, the share of American adults who do not affiliate with...
Why Is It So Hard to Believe that Many Leading Scientists are Religious?
Via: calbab
Religion & Ethics
7 years ago
Why Is It So Hard to Believe that Many Leading Scientists are Religious? by MATTHEW C. NISBET Big Think today features a new set of interviews with NIH director Francis Collins ,...
We Need Two Kinds of Truth: Why I Don't Want Science or Religion to Win
Via: calbab
Religion & Ethics
7 years ago
by Francis Collins Surveys I have seen indicate about 40% of scientists believe in a God to whom one may pray in expectation of an answer. That’s not a god who went off after creating a...
Joy Reid Apologizes To LGBT Community For Tweets, Posts | AM Joy | MSNBC
Via: calbab
Religion & Ethics
7 years ago
MSNBC Published on Apr 28, 2018 Joy Reid apologizes for her writings and tweets that were harmful to the LGBT community adding, “I should have known better.” Then a panel of...
Has Christianity harmed you personally?
Via: artie-3438207
Religion & Ethics
7 years ago
There are many long raging battles over Christianity in America. Most people seem to say that it does more good than harm; that those who do harm are misguided; that the problem facing us to...
THE GOSPEL SERIES: NewsTalkers 2018
By: calbab
Religion & Ethics
7 years ago
THE GOSPEL SERIES New Testament Book: Gospel of Matthew The Gospel of Matthew is likely the most widely read of the four Gospels. Like all the Gospels it comes to us “anonymous,” but...
Satanic Temple challenges Missouri’s abortion law on religious grounds
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
7 years ago
From NBCNEWS : There will be a showdown with Satan on Tuesday in the Missouri Supreme Court. Not with Lucifer himself, but with a group called the Satanic Temple that is going to bat for a...
"Anonymous" Gospel of Mark - CLARIFIED!
By: calbab
Religion & Ethics
7 years ago
The Gospel of Mark Although the Gospel is anonymous, there is adequate reason to ascribe the book with certainty to John Mark, the attendant of Peter. (Wycliffe Bible Dictionary.)...
Student Kicked Off Kansas Basketball Team in Anthem Flap
Via: jeremy-in-nc
News & Politics
8 years ago
WICHITA, Kan. — A Muslim student athlete who refused to observe the national anthem for religious reasons at a basketball game in Kansas has been kicked off the team following altercations with...
OutFront: New Site Rates Churches Based on Transparency of LGBTQ Policies
Via: eginnj
News & Politics
8 years ago
Tim Schraeder, a gay Christian, has always felt torn between his religion and sexuality. That’s something he's now fighting to change with Church Clarity. by Julie Compton / Oct.26.2017 /...
Is There Something Unique about the Transgender Brain?
Via: calbab
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Imaging studies and other research suggest that there is a biological basis for transgender identity Some children insist, from the moment they can speak, that they are not the gender...
Is America a Christian nation? I don't think so!
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
8 years ago
Author's note: I wrote this article a long time ago on Newsvine. But I thought it could bear repeating here. Thanks. I've come across articles and discussions in which the topic of conversation...