Tagged: law
Is there a logical or rational argument against abortion?
Religious and not News Chat
2 years ago
When Roe v. Wade was decided back in 1973, abortion was allowed in all states while both sides of the abortion debate continued to battle it out. Abortion rights opponents wanted to restrict or...
Merrick Garland Isn't Being "Impartial"—He's Helping Trump | The Nation
Via: revillug
News & Politics
3 years ago
Garland’s memo isn’t just boilerplate banality. It also cites another memo, from February 2020, by former Attorney General William Barr. That memo said that any criminal or counterintelligence...
Ketanji Brown Jackson, Guantanamo and the Role of Defense Attorneys - Lawfare
Via: steve-ott
News & Politics
3 years ago
The American tradition of zealous representation of unpopular clients is at least as old as John Adams’s representation of the British soldiers charged in the Boston massacre. People come to serve...
Donald Trump Is Above the Law. Period - Raman Media Network
Doubting Thomas' Lazaretto
3 years ago
WHY? Why is this permitted in congress, in court, in American society? Effectively, Donald J. Trump 'waylaids' a pandemic to the tune of initially thousands of deaths and has not offered a basic...
The "Pro Abortion" Argument
Religious and not News Chat
4 years ago
Let me make it clear from the start, I am not "pro-abortion." In other words, I am not advocating women should or must have an abortion. Anyone who has read my posts on the subject of abortion...
Why abortion must remain legal and safe
Religious and not News Chat
4 years ago
Abortion has been a hot topic ever since the Supreme Court's landmark ruling Roe v. Wade (1973). The abortion issue has polarized the American people for nearly 50 years now, with both sides of...
Texas Lawmaker Files Resolution to Make the Bible the "Official State Book" | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos
SiNNERs and ButtHeads
4 years ago
Which Bible will it be? English Standard Version. ... King James Version. ... New American Standard Bible. ... New English Bible. ... New International Version. ... New King James Version. ... New...
Sidestepping Texas Law, Austin Becomes First U.S. City To Fund Abortion Support Services
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
6 years ago
As Texas continues to enact laws making it harder for women to obtain abortions — and impossible for towns and cities to provide funding for abortion care — a liberal stronghold city is...
Doctor acquitted in landmark Netherlands euthanasia case
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
6 years ago
A nursing home doctor has been acquitted of the murder of an elderly woman with severe dementia following a closely watched euthanasia trial in the Netherlands. The court in The Hague concluded...
Over 40 Prosecutors Refuse To Enforce New Anti-Abortion Laws
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
6 years ago
Dozens of state and local prosecutors released a statement Friday vowing not to enforce extreme anti-abortion restrictions recently passed in their states. “As elected prosecutors with charging...
Judge's order means Missouri clinic can keep doing abortions
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
6 years ago
A judge issued an order Friday ensuring Missouri's only abortion clinic can continue providing abortions, acting just hours before the St. Louis Planned Parenthood facility's license was set to...
Online supplier of abortion pills defies FDA order to stop providing them in US
Religious and not News Chat
6 years ago
As abortion becomes increasingly inaccessible in parts of this country, a Dutch physician is defying the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s order to quit providing abortion pills using the...
Alabama Lawmakers Vote to Effectively Ban Abortion in the State
Religious and not News Chat
6 years ago
MONTGOMERY, Ala. — The Alabama Senate approved a measure on Tuesday that would outlaw almost all abortions in the state, setting up a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade, the case that recognized a...
Stricter abortion bans are conservative-led states' gambit to overturn Roe vs. Wade
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
6 years ago
ATLANTA - When Republican lawmakers in Alabama weighed a stringent new bill that would outlaw almost all abortions, they did not pretend that it complied with federal law or that it would go into...
A Serious Question: How is abortion anyone's business?
Religious and not News Chat
6 years ago
Over the last several months, there have been news reports of certain states trying to prohibit or severely restrict abortion rights, impose legal penalties for women seeking abortion, and even...
A Texas bill would make it possible to put women to death for having abortions
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
6 years ago
Men and women, young and old, native Texans and immigrants, they rose to ask lawmakers to protect life, describing a “genocide” and foreseeing the arrival of “God’s wrath.” The act of public...
Judge Blocks Kentucky Fetal Heartbeat Law That Bans Abortion After 6 Weeks
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
6 years ago
A federal judge on Friday temporarily blocked a Kentucky law that prohibits abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected, which typically happens around six weeks into pregnancy, before many women...
Alabama judge allows teen to sue on behalf of aborted fetus
Via: gordy327
6 years ago
A teenager in Alabama is suing an abortion clinic for terminating the life of his unborn child against his wishes. On Tuesday, an Alabama county court recognized the aborted fetus, "Baby Roe," as...
Supreme Court seems inclined to retain cross on public land
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
6 years ago
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court seemed inclined Wednesday to rule that a 40-foot-tall cross that stands on public land in Maryland is constitutional, but shy away from a sweeping ruling. The case...
'Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act' seeks to strip gay marriage rights
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
6 years ago
Nearly four years after the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal throughout the U.S. in its landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee are attempting to turn...
Misconceptions about New York's "Abortion Law"
Religious and not News Chat
6 years ago
With the signing of Senate Bill S2796 , otherwise known as the "abortion bill," into law by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, there have been some misconceptions about what the law actually...
Judge declares Iowa fetal heartbeat law unconstitutional
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
6 years ago
DES MOINES, Iowa — A state judge has struck down Iowa's restrictive "fetal heartbeat" abortion law.Judge Michael Huppert on Tuesday found the law unconstitutional. He concluded that the Iowa...
Author of Ohio abortion bill believes Supreme Court will welcome it 'with open arms'
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
7 years ago
A bill that would ban abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected was approved this week by the Ohio Senate, the first step in what the bill's author says is the controversial legislation's path...
Supreme Court asked to review abortion law signed by Pence
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
7 years ago
Indiana is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hear arguments over a law that bars women from having abortions based on gender, race or disability. Vice President Mike Pence signed the law in 2016...
Texas family fighting for 9-year-old daughter declared brain dead
Via: gordy327
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
From CBS News: FORT WORTH, Texas — A Texas couple has 10 days to find a hospital willing to keep their young daughter on life support. But doctors in Fort Worth say 9-year-old Payton Summons is...
America was NOT founded on christian principles
Religious and not News Chat
7 years ago
NOTE: I've posted this article a while back and I thought it might be nice to revisit. Enjoy. I've have on occasion been engaged in articles and with individuals who proclaim that America was...
Argentine group says 3,000 Catholics quit church over abortion
Via: gordy327
World News
7 years ago
Thousands of Argentine Catholics on Friday renounced their membership in the church to protest its opposition to a bill that would have legalized abortion in Pope Francis's homeland, a group...
Woman says she was fired via text message with manager saying it's "not a good time" for her maternity leave
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
7 years ago
From CBS news: A pregnant Washington state woman said she was fired via text message from a sub shop where worked, with a store manager telling her "it's not a good time to have somebody who is...
‘I’m Doing It for the Babies’: Inside the Ground Game to Reverse Roe v. Wade
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
7 years ago
From MSN News: AVON, Ind. — Armed with sunscreen, doorknob fliers and a mission 50 years in the making, the team of activists sporting blue “I Vote Pro-Life” T-shirts fanned out into a web of...
Most Americans want Roe v Wade to stand
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
7 years ago
From NBC news: Most Americans support Roe v Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion rights, a new survey shows. The Kaiser Family Foundation poll of 1,492 Americans found that 67...
Supreme Court change sparks birth control discussions
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
7 years ago
From CNN: The news of Justice Anthony Kennedy's retirement prompted some women to turn to Twitter to encourage others to get an IUD. An intrauterine device can prevent pregnancy for up to 12...
Judge agrees to halt fetal heartbeat abortion law in Iowa
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
7 years ago
DES MOINES, Iowa — A judge agreed Friday to temporarily block the most restrictive abortion law in the country from taking effect in Iowa next month under an agreement between lawyers for the...
U.S. top court rejects challenge to strict Arkansas abortion law
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
7 years ago
From MSN News: In a setback to abortion rights advocates, the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday paved the way for Republican-backed restrictions on medication-induced abortions to take effect in...
Abortion stigma is gone, says Irish PM after vote
Via: gordy327
World News
7 years ago
From MSN News: Ireland on Saturday voted to erase the stigma and burden of shame from hundreds of thousands of women who secretly had abortions, Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said. Speaking after...
Ireland abortion referendum: Country votes in landmark ballot
Via: gordy327
World News
7 years ago
From MSN: Voters in Ireland are casting their ballots in a landmark referendum to decide whether to remove a constitutional amendment that bans abortion in almost all circumstances.Polling...
Judge overturns California's doctor-assisted suicide law
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
7 years ago
From NBCNews : LOS ANGELES — A state judge overturned California's doctor-assisted suicide law on Tuesday, saying the legislation opening the door to life-ending drugs for the terminally ill...
Anti-Abortion Violence on the Rise, New Study Says
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
7 years ago
From MSN News : Before Laura Laursen drives to work at a women’s health clinic in southern Illinois, where she provides abortions about once a month when she isn’t performing them as an OBGYN...
The Latest: Judge temporarily blocks 15-week abortion ban
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
7 years ago
From Associated Press : JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — A federal judge on Tuesday temporarily blocked a new Mississippi law that bans abortion after 15 weeks' gestation — the most restrictive abortion...
Satanic Temple challenges Missouri’s abortion law on religious grounds
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
7 years ago
From NBCNEWS : There will be a showdown with Satan on Tuesday in the Missouri Supreme Court. Not with Lucifer himself, but with a group called the Satanic Temple that is going to bat for a...
Latin American human rights court urges same-sex marriage legalization
Via: gordy327
World News
7 years ago
From NBCNEWS : A Latin American human rights court said on Tuesday that countries in the region should legalize same-sex unions, endorsing a growing push for marriage equality despite...
Germany Celebrates First Same-Sex Weddings After Law Change
Via: gordy327
World News
8 years ago
From NBCNEWS : BERLIN — Germany celebrated its first same-sex weddings Sunday, after a new law came into force putting gay and lesbian couples on an equal legal footing with heterosexual...
Australian Leader Says Gay Marriage Could Be Law This Year
Via: gordy327
World News
8 years ago
By Associated press CANBERRA, Australia — Australia's prime minister said Tuesday that Parliament could legalize gay marriage this year if the nation's voters endorse it in a rare nonbinding...