

CrashCourse -  A Few Short Videos On Evolution And Intelligent Design

CrashCourse - A Few Short Videos On Evolution And Intelligent Design

By: dignitatem-societatis  •  Other  •  9 Comments  •  6 years ago

From CrashCourse on YouTube Click to view CrashCourse's entire Big History series. Click to view CrashCourse's entire Philosophy series.
Open Message Board N° 5

Open Message Board N° 5

By: bob-nelson  •  Other  •  93 Comments  •  6 years ago

This is a Public Space . Anyone may post anything they please. If you want your Tracker to show you future posts here, you must either post here yourself - a one-word post like...
What Deceased Relative Would You Choose to Spend a Day With Now?

What Deceased Relative Would You Choose to Spend a Day With Now?

By: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Other  •  15 Comments  •  6 years ago

What Deceased Relative Would You Choose to Spend a Day With Now? In my case, the first person I think of would be my father. I was in another city at my desk when I got the call from a...
What person no longer alive would you choose to have lunch with now?

What person no longer alive would you choose to have lunch with now?

By: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Other  •  130 Comments  •  6 years ago

What person no longer alive would you choose to have lunch with now? In my case, the first person I can think of would be my father. I was in another city at my desk and got the call from a...
Why we say “OK”

Why we say “OK”

Via: bob-nelson  •  Other  •  1 Comments  •  6 years ago

How a cheesy joke from the 1830s became the most widely spoken word in the world.
Skim reading is the new normal. The effect on society is profound.

Skim reading is the new normal. The effect on society is profound.

Via: bob-nelson  •  Other  •  5 Comments  •  6 years ago

When the reading brain skims texts , we don’t have time to grasp complexity, to understand another’s feelings or to perceive beauty. We need a new literacy for the digital age. ‘We need...
Who will be king? Three-way battle for control rocks international chess.

Who will be king? Three-way battle for control rocks international chess.

Via: bob-nelson  •  Other  •  1 Comments  •  6 years ago

Accusations of corruption , lies and Russian meddling fly as the World Chess Federation’s presidential elections approach The World Chess Federation’s annual budget is around £2.3 million....
Overflow   -   when five seeds just aren't enough

Overflow - when five seeds just aren't enough

By: bob-nelson  •  Other  •  10 Comments  •  6 years ago

Some days, there's just too much stuff on the Interwebs ... ... and the next day, the "On Hold" folder will be empty...   *** sigh *** 1) Harley-Davidson lovers in Milwaukee discuss...
Nature's Symphony - What's Your Favourite Sound?

Nature's Symphony - What's Your Favourite Sound?

By: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Other  •  59 Comments  •  6 years ago

Nature's Symphony - What's Your Favourite Sound? The numerous sounds of nature vary from the crack of thunder overhead to the patter of raindrops on a pool, from the howling wind of a...


By: kathleen  •  Other  •  41 Comments  •  6 years ago

Good Morning everyone, My daughter is leaving for college tomorrow, we are excited and of course I will miss her. She is majoring in Art. She has always been interested in this path for a long...
What is your favorite flower?

What is your favorite flower?

By: kathleen  •  Other  •  76 Comments  •  6 years ago

Hello all... I thought we could take a break for a bit and talk about our favorite lovely bloom. Mine would be the Oriental Lily. I love the look and the smell, they give off a nutmeg scent.  I...
1933 Duesenberg tops Mecum Auctions' Monterey results at $3,850,000

1933 Duesenberg tops Mecum Auctions' Monterey results at $3,850,000

Via: bob-nelson  •  Other  •  7 Comments  •  6 years ago

Here are the top sellers from the Mecum auction Mecum Auctions had three Duesenbergs on offer at the Monterey Car Week's auction event, and the most valuable of the three was the...
The Islam reformers vs. the Muslim zealots

The Islam reformers vs. the Muslim zealots

Via: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Other  •  121 Comments  •  6 years ago

The Islam reformers vs. the Muslim zealots kasapafmonline.com By Ayaan Hirsi Ali, The Washington Post, March 27, 2015 Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a fellow of the Future of...
My Armenia - by Peter Balakian

My Armenia - by Peter Balakian

Via: jasper2529  •  Other  •  11 Comments  •  6 years ago

Like its cuisine, the country has a long, rich history. Armenia, which became an independent republic in 1991 after the fall of the Soviet Union, is a small, landlocked nation in the southwest...
Open Message Board N° 4

Open Message Board N° 4

By: bob-nelson  •  Other  •  151 Comments  •  6 years ago

This is a Public Space . Anyone may post anything they please. If you want your Tracker to show you future posts here, you must either post here yourself - a one-word post like...
One Intrepid Motorist Is At Present Traversing The Nation In A 1919 Franklin Motor Car

One Intrepid Motorist Is At Present Traversing The Nation In A 1919 Franklin Motor Car

Via: bob-nelson  •  Other  •  4 Comments  •  6 years ago

This incredibly well engineered 25 horsepower aircooled Franklin Series 9b Touring was built in 1919, was sold to Jim Eby’s grandfather, and has been in his family ever since. Now, because he’s...
Trusted sources...

Trusted sources...

By: bob-nelson  •  Other  •  1 Comments  •  6 years ago

Skepticism is sometimes rewarded... Yesterday, I came across a fairly long piece presenting itself as being about Wisconsin politics. The most memorable part of Scott Walker’s run for...
Overflow, 11 August, 2018   ...   Bob Nelson

Overflow, 11 August, 2018 ... Bob Nelson

By: bob-nelson  •  Other  •  20 Comments  •  6 years ago

  1) Red, and Ready to Flip   2) The Marines Didn’t Think Women Belonged in the Infantry. She’s Proving Them Wrong.   3) New Horizons Spacecraft Sees Possible Hydrogen Wall at the End of the...
Overflow... August 7th, 2018

Overflow... August 7th, 2018

By: bob-nelson  •  Other  •  27 Comments  •  6 years ago

More for the mind
Chomsky Calls Russian Interference a Joke - Blames Guess Who?

Chomsky Calls Russian Interference a Joke - Blames Guess Who?

Via: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Other  •  7 Comments  •  6 years ago

Chomsky Calls Russian Interference a Joke - Blames Guess Who? by Alan M. Dershowitz , Gatestone Institute, August 3, 2018 Pictured at left: British Prime Minister Winston Churchill...
Overflow... August 5th, 2018

Overflow... August 5th, 2018

By: bob-nelson  •  Other  •  8 Comments  •  6 years ago

More for the mind


By: bob-nelson  •  Other  •  14 Comments  •  6 years ago

Some days, five seeds are too few. There more than five articles I'd like to share. If there's only one or two too many, I can put them aside for the next day... but if that goes on for a few...
Stop being so nosy!!!

Stop being so nosy!!!

By: kathleen  •  Other  •  63 Comments  •  6 years ago

Yep. We all had someone constantly ask you questions that are none of their business. How do you handle people like this? They just can't seem to mind their own business and they have to poke...
Making Do In Any Situation

Making Do In Any Situation

Via: johnrussell  •  Other  •  8 Comments  •  6 years ago

Life Hacks From People Who Can Find a Way Out in Any Situation When you suddenly become a mother of four. © Unknown author / imgur.com   Their father is...
Who Leaked the Trump Tape?

Who Leaked the Trump Tape?

Via: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Other  •  4 Comments  •  6 years ago

Who Leaked the Trump Tape? by Alan M. Dershowitz , Gatestone Institute, July 26, 2018 Pictured: Michael Cohen, (left) former personal lawyer for President Donald Trump, exits the...

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