Airbus Ditches Lithium-Ion Batteries
Via: luckydog
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
The first flight test A350 XWB awaits completion outside the Airbus factory in December. Photo: Airbus Airbus is activating what it is calling Plan B and dropping lithium-ion batteries from...
Dogs cured of Type 1 Diabetes
Via: miss-construed
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Gene therapy has successfully banished type 1 diabetes in dogs, the first time this treatment has worked to treat the disease in a large animal, according to a study published online in the...
Google Chrome and Shockwave Crashes: Fix Em!
Via: broliver-thesquirrel-stagnasty
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
I have been having a lot of problems Lately with the Shockwave Flash player crashing/operating slowly while using Chrome. So, today, I went looking for a solution because I found the behavior...
Man swallowed up by a sink hole. How sad.
Via: debora-zahn
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/03/01/florida-man-swallowed-by-massive-sinkhole-in-bedroom/?test=latestnews I pray that this man is actually found alive and that no other homes and/or families...
Perhaps The Scariest Infomercial of All Time.
Via: 1984-wasnt
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
I ended my traditional cable service some time ago, so I have no access really to regular TV programming. One channel comes through, since the line is active for my ISP, and I happen to enjoy some...
Five Beautiful Natural Wonders of the World -- Or, We're Not In Kansas Anymore, Toto
Via: dowser
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
For billions of years, our earth has been a work in progress! Wind, water, pressure, minerals, and other geologic processes have created these natural wonders that look alien-like... Here are...
Can You Hear Me Now? The "Cocktail Party" Effect: Brain-wise
Via: broliver-thesquirrel-stagnasty
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
When I was 14 I had a severe stroke that paralyzed the right side of my body and disrupted the speech centers (I had then what is known as speech aphasia ) in my brain. I recovered basic motor...
Five More Strange and Beautiful Natural Wonders of the World
Via: dowser
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
For billions of years, our earth has been changing. Normal forces at work-- wind, water, minerals, and geologic processes-- have formed some very unusual and beautiful landscapes and features. At...
This I suppose is technology related but.............
Via: tsula
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
As most of you know by now my computer did a deep six and I have replaced it with a brand new one, courtesy of a pretty neat son in law. My old Dell has been replaced with a computer with the...
Security programs
Via: tsula
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
I am back in trouble again here folks.Please give the old man some advice. When my computer died I also lost my Norton security program. Now I have to get another one and I have heard a lot of talk...
Another sinkhole almost gets Golfer.
Via: debora-zahn
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2013/03/12/golfer-survives-after-sinkhole-opens-underneath-him-at-illinois-course/ It's time to ask if Florida is a safe place to be. Goodness. I'm so happy this...
The Irony -- Drug testing can serve many purposes
Via: dowser
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
I work at a public water utility, where all of us contribute to the distribution of a safe water supply. At work, we are selected randomly for drug testing-- because, as holders of the public...
A treatise on the ethics and emotions of testing drugs on animals
Via: buzz-of-the-orient
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Barbara Amiel on the ethics and emotions of testing drugs on animals I am a dog owner of insane commitment, but even I cant turn a blind eye to the advances of research by Barbara Amiel...
Windows 8 OR THE SWAMP
Via: tsula
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
This is yet another chapter in the old man's adventures in the never never land called Windows 8. I never said that I was the brightest bulb in the lamp but this has turned into Technical...
Popular science blog is run by a woman – to the surprise of some on Facebook
Via: summer
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
A swath of science fans expressed shock Wednesday upon learning that a popular science Facebook page is run by a woman. Elise Andrew, an English blogger living in Canada, posted a link promoting...
NASA's Voyager 1 Probe May Have Left Solar System: Study
Via: summer
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft the farthest-flung object created by human hands has traveled beyond the sun's sphere of influence and may even have left the solar system forever, a new study...
What happened to my Hotmail.
Via: tsula
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Today for some unknown reason my Hotmail suddenly disappeared and has been seemingly assigned to Outlook. I used to look for the Icon in my Favorites Tool Bar with the numbers bracket so that I...
Health care world Rankings plus ranking on most money spemt.
Via: retired-military-ex-republican
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
This will give us an Idea how we stack up with countries that don't have insurance companies to rake of enormous amounts of money....
The 10 Most Important Things They Didn't Teach You In School
Via: buzz-of-the-orient
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
The 10 Most Important Things They Didn't Teach You In School By David Wong for Cracked.com By the time you're 30, you'll be hit with the crushing truth of just how much the grownups...
Landline to VOIP?
Via: shub-orinuj
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Yes, that's right I have a landline. Shocking is it not. Lately I have been considering going to VOIP (voice over Internet Protocol) service. I need a phone service that has 911 at home. One that...
Science proves women like men with bigger penises
Via: summer
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
The human male possesses the Italian designer faucet of penises. Theyre pretty big, the biggest of any primates relative to body size. And theyre showy, too, right out there, front and center on...
Israelis discover gene responsible for liver disease
Via: buzz-of-the-orient
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Israelis discover gene responsible for liver disease Groundbreaking advance clears the way for future medications to better target a deadly problem. By Karin Koosterman - April 7, 2013, for...
MicroVass therapy. I Have dietabetic neuropathy of the feet this works for me.
Via: retired-military-ex-republican
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
I have been a diabetic for aboutten years first 3 of those years I was miss diagnosed. After being on diabetic medicine for 1 1/2to 2 years neuropothy of the feet started. I had my mother in law...