Tagged: congress
'The Interview': Senator James Lankford on Trying to Solve Immigration - The New York Times
Via: jbb
News & Politics
7 months ago
Yes Getrude in Texas, MAGA turned down "Everything the gop has ever wanted from Democrats on immigration", yet turned it all down on orders from Trump. That is a fact Gertrude in Texas. JBB...
Sore LOSER Trump, despite losing the election, continues to wallow in his pen like a SPOILED BABY!
By: eat-the-press-do-not-read-it
News & Politics
5 years ago
"Baby Trumpy" is further debasing, degrading, and defiling his tenure in office by hurdling lie after lie like a warthog in a pig pen as he stokes his supporters to violence.How can CONGRESS stop...
Record-shattering numbers of GOP women are running for office under Trump: ‘Our voices are not being heard’
Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1
News & Politics
5 years ago
The GOP is the big tent party. Record numbers of women and minorities running for Congress and other offices. The GOP is the party of the middle and working class, the small business person, and...
Why Trump will win the wall fight
Via: it-is-me
6 years ago
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, "If my fellow citizens want to go to hell, I will help them. It is my job." He was expressing the limited role of courts in challenges to federal law. It...
Can We Admit To Anything The Two Parties Have Done That They Shouldn't Have?
By: citizen-kane-473667
News & Politics
8 years ago
Just wondering if any Democrats or Republicans can actually admit to where their Party has gone awry? The reason I ask is that I see so many pointing fingers at The Other Side and vociferously...
Mitch McConnell a "weak, spineless leader"?
Via: krishna
News & Politics
8 years ago
“Senator Mitch McConnell said I had ‘excessive expectations,’ but I don’t think so,” Trump tweeted Wednesday afternoon. “After 7 years of hearing Repeal & Replace, why not done?”...
GDP, DEBT, Congress and the FED.
Via: harryh
Stock Market & Investments
8 years ago
The BEA released its Advance Q2 GDP , as well as its annual revisions. No real great surprises regarding Q2, as it fell within expectations. However the annual revisions saw a downward revision...