Research Assistance Needed!
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
In restoring old photographs, I came across this absolute gem, but, I have no idea how to caption or keyword. I know the following details "Near Indianapolis Indiana" and, that the photograph was...
Out in the Cold Again … Uhmm, make that "Still"
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
But they seem to know where they're safe, welcome, and, can get something to eat. Not a bad deal when all it "costs" them is to allow a photo op. Don't just do something stand there!...
American Genre Scenes of Yesteryear
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
Within the past year, I was given about 1000 Magic Lantern Slides (in boxes very much like these). The slides are heavy (two pieces of glass sandwiched and taped together, one piece of...
Not that I Need a "Reason" …
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
There's a load of snow in Philly today, a perfect "excuse/reason" to stay around the house, photograph the birds around my feeders, and do a good number of new restorations. And shovel out during...
More Snow, More Birds … More Pictures
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
Good day today a little more snow, more shoveling, more birds and more birds-in-snow photos. Mockingbird sometimes they dive-bomb squirrels and cats. Gutsy suckers! And then we have the...
Selling My Artistic Soul -- When they want "Commercial" … I Give 'Em Commercial.
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
Walt Disney World, Main Street USA, The Magic Kingdom. Poster Print My House is Your House (Party Invitation) Fireworks, Cinderella's Castle, The Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World....
Reasearch Assistance Requested
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
I love this photograph; it reminds me of several paintings, one by American genre painter, Jerome B. Thompson and another by French artist, Millait. From the subject and caption (in German?), I...
A Compelling Image that Evokes Emotion and Wonder about People Long Gone
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
I recently restored this image; I find it sad and tragic. It makes me want to know the names and faces and stories behind the sign and events that led to it. The sign is crudely made and that, in...
Something Old, Something New, Something Under Water, Something Pink
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
Near Meissen Germany, 1903 (Recent Restoration) Downy Woodpecker, Male. Surgeonfish Powderpuff Flower Or is it something borrowed and something nahhhh!
Oh! The Frustration.
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
Today I pulled a stack of Magic Lantern Slides from their boxes (where they've gone untouched for, speculatively, 70-80 years or more, that is, until I acquired them last year). Literally not...
"You Kids Never Learn!"
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
Growing up, usually as of the very first day of any new year, when the weather even hinted of spring (like a day of 30 degrees vs. one of, say, 20 degrees), thousands of kids in the schoolyards,...
Once More: Research Assistance Requested
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
Probably Germany, maybe France, definitely 1903. Any ideas or facts appreciated. This was taken on the emigrant ship SS Phoenicia; it raises a few obvious questions. All Rights...
3500+ Images Getting Back into the Marketplace
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
In the world of Images for Publication , especially since digital photography has essentially supplanted film, marketing of such images has both evolved and devolved from the photographers...
Spring with Some Assistance from the Autumn Just Passed
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
Some of the first days of Spring ironically get their color from leftover autumn leaves (like Beech tree leaves) that hang on to branches or blanket a forest floor. A rich blue sky, a still...
Snow in March and 50 Male Robins!
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
I've been photographing nature and wildlife for years and have a degree in biology but never saw what I saw (and photographed) today! Snow in March -- been there, done that! 50 ROBINS ALL AT...
Restoration du Jour; I hope They're not Still Waiting
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
Resumed restorations of the Magic Lantern Slides today. It's a bit of American genre of the late Nineteenth, early Twentieth Century. A Family Waits for a Trolley Car; Boston, Massachusetts,...
The Robins Move On … or so it Seems.
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
The 50 or so male robins that recently took up residence in my backyard have apparently moved on, or, spread out in the area. In an earlier article I noted that I've seen large numbers of...
The Thought of Fishing with Good Friends Inspired a New Poster Image
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
The PAST is gone, the FUTURE is an illusion and there is only NOW. There those good people who have passed -- some of them old fishing buddies. I hope the fishing is good wherever they are....