Functional Art? Fishing is a Source.
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
Functional art refers to aesthetic objects that serve utilitarian purposes. I'd say that much having to do with fishing qualifies as such. And what's interesting is how functional art can be the...
"And a River Runs Through it … "
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. Norman Maclean To him, all good things - trout as well as eternal salvation - came by grace; and grace comes by...
A Present for Trista
Via: broliver-thesquirrel-stagnasty
Photography & Art
10 years ago
Just got done making a box for my niece Trista's birthday. Here is a picture of it with the lid on..... And here is a picture of it with the lid off... Here are some pictures of other...
Hysterical, (Historical), Photo of the Week
Via: dowser
Photography & Art
10 years ago
I have come across some really neat historical photos at my mother's house, and hoping that I'll find more! The invention of the Kodak camera, seems to have taken my family by storm, and as soon...
The Only Black Bird with a White Eye -- The Grackle
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
grackle A songbird of the American blackbird family, the male of which has shiny black plumage with a blue-green sheen (Quiscalus quiscula). The white eye is one of the species' identifying...
Something New for The NewsTalkers' Authors, Poets and Photo Lovers (And Any/All Interested Members)
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
A Challenge to The NewsTalkers Authors and Poets from A. Mac & Sara G. ~ Here's How it Will Work ~ A Discussion with a PHOTOGRAPH will be posted on the Front Page from...
Sara G & A.Mac's Authors Challenge #1 • "What Happened in that Building?"
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
THE CHALLENGE "What Happened in that Building?" All submissions must be in by Monday, April 28, 2014, NO LATER THAN 8:PM EDST. Sara G & A. Mac (Based on the Picture...
Sunny Sunday Morning Walkabout in China
Via: buzz-of-the-orient
Photography & Art
10 years ago
Sunny Sunday Morning Walkabout in China My wife and I went for a walk this morning. It was sunny and warm and the flowers were blooming. Many people were out either walking or involved in some...
Showcase ~ Sara G & A. Mac's Authors Challenge Number One
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
The First Sara G & A. Mac Authors Challenge on The NewsTalkers was based on the image above. For those not familiar with the Challenge, authors/poets were given the following information...
Walking through my neighbourhood in Central China
Via: buzz-of-the-orient
Photography & Art
10 years ago
Walking through my neighbourhood in Central China The weather is beautiful, mid-70s, sunny and not too much pollution, so it was a perfect morning for a walk around my neighbourhood, through...
"The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray."
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
Robert Burns called it correctly. I fully intended to head out into the woods behind my house this morning, that to photograph spring. Distractions prevented that plan but, after dinner I went...