

Test article FB page

Test article FB page

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  1 Comments  •  10 years ago

Let's see where this goes.
JORDAN PAGE, revolutionary rocker, activist, political commentator through music,

JORDAN PAGE, revolutionary rocker, activist, political commentator through music,

Via: kori  •  Other  •  8 Comments  •  10 years ago

Ran across a Jordan Page youtube videotoday and the song - LISTEN (2009) - was quite passionate and captivating,one of the best songsI've heard for a long time but admittedly, I don'tspend a lot...
Found 8mm footage of the 1939 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

Found 8mm footage of the 1939 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner  •  Other  •  1 Comments  •  10 years ago

Found 8mm footage of the 1939 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Floats and balloons featuring: Pinocchio, Donald Duck, The Tin Man, The Scarecrow, Old King Cole, Uncle Sam, Gulliver, Acrobats,...
Just another day at the "office" , the usual mistakes & consequences

Just another day at the "office" , the usual mistakes & consequences

Via: petey-coober  •  Other  •  26 Comments  •  10 years ago

Have you ever had one of those days ...
COOL VIDEO: Time Lapse Of Traffic In Vietnam

COOL VIDEO: Time Lapse Of Traffic In Vietnam

Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner  •  Other  •  1 Comments  •  10 years ago

This time lapse of the traffic and transportation inHo Chi Minh City,Vietnam is amazing to watch taken from 10,000 photos all around the city. (LINK) (Note: Not embeded because this isn't a...
11 Sounds That Your Kids Have Probably Never Heard

11 Sounds That Your Kids Have Probably Never Heard

Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner  •  Other  •  5 Comments  •  10 years ago

Who knew that some noises could eventually become as extinct as the passenger pigeon? Depending on your age, you or your kids or grandchildren may have only heard some of the following sounds in...
Dangerous combinations :

Dangerous combinations :

Via: petey-coober  •  Other  •  27 Comments  •  10 years ago

There are some things that should just not be brought together . By themselves they are OK but together ... LOOK OUT ! And in 2011 it seems that a number of those combinations did , in fact ,...
Woman conquers fears by meeting Facebook friends face-to-face

Woman conquers fears by meeting Facebook friends face-to-face

Via: kori  •  Other  •  6 Comments  •  10 years ago

"What are you most afraid of? One woman's debilitating anxiety disorder is to blame for her fear of being in situations that are not easy to escape or embarrassing to do so. ArLynn Presser,a...
Proof that aliens have been on earth for centuries !

Proof that aliens have been on earth for centuries !

Via: petey-coober  •  Other  •  61 Comments  •  10 years ago

These particular aliens were around in the 1700's : http://www.robinsonlibrary.com/technology/motor/aeronautics/balloons/montgolfier.htm Compare that photo [painting] with the more modern...
Did You Know That If You Have A Newsvine Account, You're On the "Today Show"?

Did You Know That If You Have A Newsvine Account, You're On the "Today Show"?

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  12 Comments  •  10 years ago

I am and probably so are you. Here, check me out and see if you can figure out why. http://perrie.today.com/
NewsTalker tradition : declaring an impasse

NewsTalker tradition : declaring an impasse

Via: petey-coober  •  Other  •  62 Comments  •  10 years ago

Impasse Here at NewsTalkers we have a tradition . We have found that the simplest way to deal with intractible arguments is to just declare an impasse . What that means is that it is time to cease...
New Changes at NewsTalkers

New Changes at NewsTalkers

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  14 Comments  •  10 years ago

Hi Everyone!Two things I would like to go over.If you have been paying attention, you will have noticed that I changed the layout of the front page. The main reason is that no one is noticing or...
Threaded discussions

Threaded discussions

Via: petey-coober  •  Other  •  22 Comments  •  10 years ago

I don't know how the rest of you are finding the multilevel threaded discussions but I am finding them frustrating to follow . In an attempt to make these easier to follow I suggest adding these...
A Thank You Note From Pat N

A Thank You Note From Pat N

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  51 Comments  •  10 years ago

As many of you may know, our Pat N hadreceiveda very nasty email from the Newsvine email system. Because of the extreme nasty nature of this email, she has decided to quit the vine. Many members...
Politics  , oil and software economics

Politics , oil and software economics

Via: petey-coober  •  Other  •  1 Comments  •  10 years ago

In my initial article on this subject ; http://thenewstalkers.com/forum/topics/an-issue-that-trancends-politics I described the variables affecting oil prices . Here is an updated version with...
Berlin wax museum unveils model of Anne Frank

Berlin wax museum unveils model of Anne Frank

Via: arch-man  •  Other  •  5 Comments  •  10 years ago

The figure of the Jewish girl who perished at the hands of the Nazis in the Holocaust is displayed next door to a model of Adolf Hitler which was in the past decapitated by a visitor. A...
Meta Madness... Discussion on How to Make the Site Function Better.

Meta Madness... Discussion on How to Make the Site Function Better.

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  37 Comments  •  10 years ago

Hello Girls and Boys,There have been a couple of issues that need to be discussed about how the site has been functioning. The first is the groups. Although, they seem nice, the are underutilized....
A Friend Is Gone

A Friend Is Gone

Via: larry-crehore  •  Other  •  17 Comments  •  10 years ago

Hello to everyone at NewsTalkers. I am sad to have to pass on this information. A friend of many of us passed away this past Tuesday. Magaret Anne Mckinnon know to most of us as Maggie Mae,...
Discource on racial monikkers will be moved to Heated Debate.Reopened.

Discource on racial monikkers will be moved to Heated Debate.Reopened.

Via: peter-loves-the-real-tea-party  •  Other  •  55 Comments  •  10 years ago

In my opinion, his article about the charges levied against Zimmerman was timely and topical. It has however been hijacked....turned into a meta storm, which in my opinion doesnt give the author or...
Question to the group on functionality.

Question to the group on functionality.

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  50 Comments  •  10 years ago

If you check out the top of the page, you will notice a test tab, which will take you directly to Pets & Animals. Do you like having tabs like this, or do you think that it adds clutter? Also,...
Meta on CoC: An Omission from the last update

Meta on CoC: An Omission from the last update

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  21 Comments  •  10 years ago

Apparently, there was an omission from the current CoC when it was voted on and cleared. Here was the part that was missing: Section 3: The author can also request that members who are...
Profanity and the CoC

Profanity and the CoC

Via: petey-coober  •  Other  •  88 Comments  •  10 years ago

I am writing this meta article to attempt to clarify [to the best of my knowledge] recent changes in the way that the CoC is being interpreted . As most of you know , the formal statements in the...
A Get Well Card to Larry C

A Get Well Card to Larry C

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  9 Comments  •  10 years ago

Larry went into the hospital yesterday. I spoke to him today, and his spirits are good but he will be in for a while as they decide how to best treat him. Let's all send him good wishes for a...
How did the Higgs Boson get it's name ?

How did the Higgs Boson get it's name ?

Via: petey-coober  •  Other  •  1 Comments  •  10 years ago

I couldn't decide whether to put this under humor or sci/tech so I settled for other . Back when he was in college Peter Higgs had a part time job as a clown at birthday parties . One day he was...
Watch droves of zombies invade the streets of Prague

Watch droves of zombies invade the streets of Prague

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  10 Comments  •  10 years ago

Just like we were warned.... Zombies... and it starts in Prague. Get Prepared NOW! http://now.msn.com/living/0506-zombie-walk-prague.aspx

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