My House of Worship; No Membership Fee, Unlimited Spirituality, Doors Never Close, All Civilized Beings Welcomed
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
November 2, 2013 ~ Montgomery County, Pennsylvania (Just Across the Philadelphia Border) ( A. Mac/All Rights Reserved) ( A. Mac/All Rights Reserved) ( A. Mac/All Rights Reserved)...
Philosophy and Fishing; Kindred Spirits
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
Just published this framing print/poster image today. I don't think one needs to be into fishing in order to get its philosophical meaning and/or, interpret it for one's self.
When the Student Gratifies the Teacher
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
When a teacher can see his/her students demonstrating with great competence, the lessons taught, it is most gratifying. Here are some images recently created by a student of mine . More to...
I Need an Image! Cold as Ice
Via: neetu2
Photography & Art
10 years ago
I saw the moon tonightThrough the window paneMisty forms my breathUnder the silver lightDarkness shrouds the limbsOf swaying barren treesStanding starkly uprightChallenging the hissing windsThat...
Philly Moon Rising Behind Wyoming's Grand Tetons? Yup!
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
I like "messin'" with images and it's not like the old days (about 25 years ago) when, if someone wanted to combine two or more photos, they'd have to do something like making "slide sandwiches."...
Parts of Four Images Combined to Create a Fifth Image
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
The moon was photographed from the front of my house in Philly The tree silhouettes and the distance, including the sky was photographed in Wyoming The fisherman's silhouette was photographed...
Downy … and I Ain't Talkin' "Fabric Softener"!
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
Female Downy Woodpecker This one's a female. (Picoides pubescens) downy woodpecker a widespread small North American woodpecker with a short bill, black and white plumage, and (on the...
One More Moon Shot … Digital Photography and Variations on Various Themes
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
Using the photograph of a harvest moon taken in Philadelphia in 2010, a deep blue, twilight sky taken in Wyoming, two different deer images (c. 1999 and 2012), and tree silhouettes taken in...
A Poem: Units of Measure
Via: mountainfirefall
Photography & Art
10 years ago
Who puts it on me that I am a white woman, should be ever so silent on the points that many others may scream to the sky all injustices done in the name of I see and cant have? Me Who puts...
Imaginative Butterfly Artwork...
Via: chloe
Photography & Art
10 years ago
..AMac came to mind again when I was going through the Arts section, so there's a chance at least one person here might think this Artist is creative and innovative - the wind of insect wings to...
Did Someone Mention "Optical Illusions"?
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
In my article One More Moon Shot Digital Photography and Variations on Various Themes , Sixpick posted an image he identified as an "optical illusion". By definition an experience of seeming...
Fantasy/Surrealism -- In the Digital Imagery Age, the Possibilities are Endless
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
10 years ago
surrealism |srlizm| noun a 20th-century avant-garde movement in art and literature that sought to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind, for example by the irrational...