Tagged: science
Belgium's top COVID-19 scientist is being hunted by a far-right sniper
Via: krishna
News & Politics
4 years ago
The search for fugitive Conings began when he went on the run in mid-May (Getty Images) Important Related Seed: A Pharmacist Who Deliberately Ruined COVID Vaccine Doses Is Going To...
Coronavirus: Health experts join global anti-lockdown movement
Via: baron-creek
Health, Science & Technology
5 years ago
Herein lies the problem, imo. There are scientists and there is science and frankly... many fields of science. In this case we have scientists declaring the dangers of current lockdown procedures,...
Moderna coronavirus vaccine effort to get $483 million in federal funding
Via: krishna
News & Politics
5 years ago
This may help lead to a successful vaccine for the CoronaVirus . . .good news not only for smart investors, but potentially great news for all Americans! Full disclosure: I own...
Prof. Muhammad Bashouti: The scientist who makes smart devices from molecules
Via: krishna
News & Politics
6 years ago
Photo of Dr. Muhammad Bashouti by Wolfgang If you isolate a single molecule of a conductive metal, can it conduct energy all by itself? That question nagged Muhammad Bashouti in high...
Ex-Atheist Dr. Sarah Salviander Destroys Atheism with One Tweet
Via: donald-trump-fan1
Religion & Ethics
6 years ago
If you're unfamiliar with Dr. Sarah Salviander, I encourage you to make her acquaintance. She's a Christian apologist, takes the Genesis creation account literally (although she's not a young...
The Milky Way as You’ve Never Seen It Before – AMNH SciCafe
Via: dave-2693993
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
So, there I was looking for the next in a series of lectures concerning the geology of our Pacific North West and something caught my eye. Turns out a new satellite was recently launched which...
Have you ever wondered how hot it can get?
By: dave-2693993
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
While doing some research this evening I came across a curious video about temperature and how hot temperatures can get. Here it is for viewing entertainment: While viewing the above video I...
Mars rover's new discoveries hailed as 'breakthroughs in astrobiology'
Via: gordy327
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
New discoveries by NASA's Mars rover Curiosity add to a growing body of evidence supporting the idea that microscopic organisms once lived on the red planet — and have some scientists considering...
Abortion does not cause depression, new study finds: Groups that claim abortion leads to mental illness are misleading people, experts say
Via: gordy327
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
From NBC News: Abortions don’t cause depression, although women who have depression and anxiety may be more likely to have abortions, researchers reported Wednesday.The study is the latest to show...
'Brain in a bucket' study spurs medical, ethical debates
Via: gordy327
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
From NBCNews : Three weeks ago, a Yale University neuroscientist, Nenad Sestan, explored the ethical implications of experiments using human brain tissue in an essay in the journal Nature. Then...
Why Is It So Hard to Believe that Many Leading Scientists are Religious?
Via: calbab
Religion & Ethics
7 years ago
Why Is It So Hard to Believe that Many Leading Scientists are Religious? by MATTHEW C. NISBET Big Think today features a new set of interviews with NIH director Francis Collins ,...
We Need Two Kinds of Truth: Why I Don't Want Science or Religion to Win
Via: calbab
Religion & Ethics
7 years ago
by Francis Collins Surveys I have seen indicate about 40% of scientists believe in a God to whom one may pray in expectation of an answer. That’s not a god who went off after creating a...
Patients regain sight with experimental stem cell treatment
Via: gordy327
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
From CBS NEWS : Nearly three years ago, 86-year-old Douglas Waters developed severe vision problems. He was diagnosed with severe wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a chronic eye...
16 Arabs from Israel making a difference on the world stage
Via: krishna
News & Politics
7 years ago
Meet some remarkable Druze, Muslim and Christian scientists, media experts, techies, film stars and athletes from Israel. Prof. Hossam Haick. Photo courtesy of the Technion. Hossam Haick...
Nasa's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter reveals large amounts of water ice on Mars
Via: dignitatem-societatis
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
New HiRISE Images Show 3D Structure of Martian Ice Sheets New images from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter reveal...
Evidence Against Young Earth Creationism
Via: dignitatem-societatis
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
Source: RationalWiki article - Evidence against a recent creation Page intro: The evidence against a recent creation is overwhelming . There is perhaps no greater attack on science than...
Is homosexuality conclusively and solely biologically predetermined? (ie, are you born gay?)
Via: j70141
News & Politics
8 years ago
Not according to the APA and other authoritative figures: “Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social and cultural influences on sexual...
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity are Biologically Determined -- But Bigotry is a [Dumb] Choice!
Via: eginnj
News & Politics
8 years ago
All of the available peer-reviewed, unbiased science indicates that sexual orientation is inborn. However, there are so many deniers here on Newsvine and elsewhere. I know that you deniers will...
When White Nationalists Get DNA Tests That Reveal African Ancestry
Via: calbab
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Sarah Zhang Aug 17, 2017 For white nationalists, DNA tests are a way to prove their racial purity. Of course, their results don’t always come back that way. And how white nationalists try...
Vatican celebrates big bang to dispel faith-science conflict
Via: aeonpax
News & Politics
8 years ago
"VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican is celebrating the big-bang theory. That’s not as out of this world as it sounds. The Vatican Observatory has invited leading scientists and cosmologists to...