

Meta: Everything you wanted to know about NT, but were afraid to ask.

Meta: Everything you wanted to know about NT, but were afraid to ask.

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  119 Comments  •  9 years ago

Go ahead. Ask me any question and I will answer it. No question too silly. No question too personal.
Introducing New Group Woman's World

Introducing New Group Woman's World

Via: feddy  •  Other  •  1 Comments  •  9 years ago

I just wanted to introduce my new group Woman's World. It is a private group for women only. Sorry guys. We still love you. Actually Woman's World has been around for a few days. We already have...
The Other Side: A First Peoples View

The Other Side: A First Peoples View

Via: msaubrey-aka-ahyoka  •  Other  •  17 Comments  •  9 years ago

[A film still from The Last of the Mohicans. I thought this was appropriate.] European "discovery"? More like invasion.... Things I've been reading about in the book I purchased, "Native...
How to defeat online ads

How to defeat online ads

Via: petey-coober  •  Other  •  12 Comments  •  9 years ago

OK , so you're shopping online for some item . You click on some websites and find promising purchase candidates . But you are not quite ready to purchase yet . Guess what happens then ? Your...
Things I've Learned the 33 Years I've Been Around

Things I've Learned the 33 Years I've Been Around

Via: msaubrey-aka-ahyoka  •  Other  •  16 Comments  •  9 years ago

1. Men are simple creatures.2. Women tend to over-think and complicate everything.3. Stick up for yourself no matter what.4. Everything can kill you and usually the cause is some kind of cancer.5....
Things Women Should Know About Men... [another article of mine from over @ NV]

Things Women Should Know About Men... [another article of mine from over @ NV]

Via: msaubrey-aka-ahyoka  •  Other  •  56 Comments  •  9 years ago

*Things I've learned about men (working with them and being friends with them)*1. If you go into the relationship expecting to change him, the relationship will not work out or you will be...
Bathroom Reno Part Deux

Bathroom Reno Part Deux

Via: msaubrey-aka-ahyoka  •  Other  •  5 Comments  •  9 years ago

Tile work. My husband could have gotten a better angle of me... Thanks honey! My son loved helping. Whew... Don't ask me to do tile!!! Tile... Tile... and more tile!...
Trials and tribulations to going "old school" with a bathroom... A DIY story. [pre-completion from Dec 2011]

Trials and tribulations to going "old school" with a bathroom... A DIY story. [pre-completion from Dec 2011]

Via: msaubrey-aka-ahyoka  •  Other  •  1 Comments  •  9 years ago

I have a home that was built in 1906. We have no idea of the original layout of this house. We can speculate by what weve done in our home thus far, but Im sure there are changes that we arent...
The More Things Change ... The More Ye Should Gather Ye Rosebuds

The More Things Change ... The More Ye Should Gather Ye Rosebuds

Via: a-macarthur  •  Other  •  4 Comments  •  9 years ago

The more things change, the more they stay the same so ... Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May Whoever said "The more things change" etc. (there seems to be a difference of opinion...
Bullied teen in Michigan speaks up on "Today" - Detroit Free Press

Bullied teen in Michigan speaks up on "Today" - Detroit Free Press

Via: msaubrey-aka-ahyoka  •  Other  •  8 Comments  •  9 years ago

http://www.freep.com/article/20120925/NEWS06/120925039/1001/rss01 The tiny town of West Branch in northern lower Michigan and its high school have been in the national media spotlight over the...
Daddy's poem by anonymous author ........please read with tissue in hand

Daddy's poem by anonymous author ........please read with tissue in hand

Via: rescue  •  Other  •  2 Comments  •  9 years ago

Her hair was up in a pony tail, Her favourite dress tied with a bow. Today was Daddy's Day at school, And she couldn't wait to go. But her mummy tried to tell her, That she probably should stay...
For Beej MCL. What my avatar is, and why I chose it.

For Beej MCL. What my avatar is, and why I chose it.

Via: neale-osborn  •  Other  •  10 Comments  •  9 years ago

I read your little discussion. I liked it. I am answering the basic premises. at least, I THINK I am.I am not anonymous. In my articles, I have given my state, county, and town. My real name IS...
NewsTalkers is Two Years Old Today!

NewsTalkers is Two Years Old Today!

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  68 Comments  •  9 years ago

I can't believe it, but NewsTalkers is two years old today! So much has happened in those 2 years. We had a period of growing pains and finally found our footing. We have grown from 20 odd souls to...
23 Insane Hanging Bridges

23 Insane Hanging Bridges

Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner  •  Other  •  6 Comments  •  9 years ago

These rickety catwalks aren't for the faint of heart. ( Link )
What's the future hotrod/oddball classic car?

What's the future hotrod/oddball classic car?

Via: msaubrey-aka-ahyoka  •  Other  •  34 Comments  •  9 years ago

The next "hot" car to have in the future My husband and I have been trying to determine the next generation hot rod cars. Considering the majority of the newer cars [90's to present] have nearly...
How Do We Add Videos to NT?

How Do We Add Videos to NT?

Via: dowser  •  Other  •  33 Comments  •  9 years ago

Looking for a magic bullet-- instructions, etc. How do we add videos to our homepage?Thanks for any help!
Let us gather together and find solace with one another.

Let us gather together and find solace with one another.

Via: dowser  •  Other  •  26 Comments  •  9 years ago

No poor words of mine will, in any way, mitigate the sorrow in our hearts for the victims of the shooting in Newtown, CT today. Yet, perhaps we can gather together and find solace with one...
Want Something Different to Do?  Try Ceramics!

Want Something Different to Do? Try Ceramics!

Via: dowser  •  Other  •  15 Comments  •  9 years ago

Most crafts are little work projects that non-artistic people can do that make them feel artistic! They are an expression of creativity, and even when the results arent all that spectacular, one...
repost of To My Friend  UptownChick

repost of To My Friend UptownChick

Via: loneranger01  •  Other  •  2 Comments  •  9 years ago

Within my heart there happened a small miracle Not knowing when or how But just knowing the happiness it has brought me Is a special gift in of itself...
For My Friend,....Perrie

For My Friend,....Perrie

Via: loneranger01  •  Other  •  12 Comments  •  9 years ago

Who would have ever thought something as simple and nice as a care package in the middle of a war torn battle field would bring two people together more than forty years later to form...
New Proposed Code of Conduct Update

New Proposed Code of Conduct Update

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  200 Comments  •  9 years ago

Here is the second revised version of the proposed CoCCode of Conduct (CoC)1. No Personal Attacks: Treat others as you would like to be treated. Address issues and arguments, not individual...
The lessons of Spider Robinson. They work.

The lessons of Spider Robinson. They work.

Via: neale-osborn  •  Other  •  18 Comments  •  9 years ago

I'm a fan of Spider Robinson. He's an un-repentant hippy, excellent science fiction author, and all around neat character. I've read his works for over 30 years. If you are interested, read "Time...
Rape for Revenge -- "A Woman in Berlin"

Rape for Revenge -- "A Woman in Berlin"

Via: dowser  •  Other  •  8 Comments  •  9 years ago

In keeping with my desire to 'understand' at least something about WWII, I thought the movie, "A Woman in Berlin", offered in Amazon Prime on my Kindle, would be just the thing to watch last...
With Growth and Apparent Success Comes the Need for Reflection and Reason and to React Intelligently

With Growth and Apparent Success Comes the Need for Reflection and Reason and to React Intelligently

Via: a-macarthur  •  Other  •  23 Comments  •  9 years ago

If you've been a NewsTalkers Member for a while, doubtless you've noted the recent explosion in our membership. This surge of old and new friends to our site is the manifestation of more than one...
10 Ways to Show Your Love For Your Spouse

10 Ways to Show Your Love For Your Spouse

Via: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Other  •  4 Comments  •  9 years ago

Looking through the Asia edition of Wall Street Journal I came across this article, and thought it was good advice. People Who Put Their Mates' Needs First Make Themselves Happier Too By...

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