

Re-building Our Friends Lists--  One name at a time

Re-building Our Friends Lists-- One name at a time

Via: dowser  •  Other  •  63 Comments  •  9 years ago

Like some kind of awful spider, I lie in wait in the Members Section... Do I recognize that name? Was that a friend on the other side? With JOY, I pounce on the names, and shoot out a friend's...
Do You Know About Dialing 112? EVERYBODY SHOULD READ THIS!  UPDATED!!!


Via: rodney-889389  •  Other  •  8 Comments  •  9 years ago

This blog included a story that was sent to me by a friend. It suggested the dialing #112 from you cell phone would connect you to State Police dispatchers in the event an unmarked patrol car...
Whus Yer “Handle”…???..."Lost and Found"

Whus Yer “Handle”…???..."Lost and Found"

Via: time-lord  •  Other  •  68 Comments  •  9 years ago

Many of you good folks have uprooted and recently transplanted yourselves in more fertile soil. As part of this transition, some have retained your previous Screen Name and Avatar and others have...
Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars and Their Careers

Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars and Their Careers

Via: z  •  Other  •  12 Comments  •  9 years ago

"For the first time, a massive data set of 10,000 porn stars has been extracted from the worlds largest database of adult films and performers. Ive spent the last six months analyzing it to...
NewsTalkers Milestone...500 members and Counting!

NewsTalkers Milestone...500 members and Counting!

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  47 Comments  •  9 years ago

How is the state of the union. Excellent! It's true! Within less than a month, NewsTalkers more than doubled it's membership! Not only that, we areaveraging more than 1,400 uniquevisitorsa day!...
Four-year-old girl saves 2-year-old sister after wreck

Four-year-old girl saves 2-year-old sister after wreck

Via: stephanie-ostephanie  •  Other  •  1 Comments  •  9 years ago

http://news.yahoo.com/fishermen-acting-gut-crash-2-girls-220529931.html Sometimes there are guardian angels for Babes in the Woods. Great story. Make you cry in a good way.


Via: leotie  •  Other  •  42 Comments  •  9 years ago

If you had all the money one could want, what would you do? Me? I'd have a room 12' X 12' with cabinets and drawers lining one wall, a big TV hanging on another wall and a long table with craft...
A Most Hearty and Sincere Welcome to All; Meet Our Groups!

A Most Hearty and Sincere Welcome to All; Meet Our Groups!

Via: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Other  •  3 Comments  •  9 years ago

A Most Hearty and Sincere Welcome to All A most hearty and sincere welcome to all NV refugees and other new members. Many of you have suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous Comcast...
How Reagan Promoted Genocide

How Reagan Promoted Genocide

Via: z  •  Other  •  6 Comments  •  9 years ago

Special Report: A newly discovered document reveals that President Reagan and his national security team in 1981 approved Guatemalas extermination of both leftist guerrillas and their civilian...
Finally Made It

Finally Made It

Via: spikegary  •  Other  •  15 Comments  •  9 years ago

Well, a couple people have invited me over the last few years to come over, finally made it. Trying to find my way around and figure out the site. I've already seen a few of my old friends here and...
Hotmail change

Hotmail change

Via: tsula  •  Other  •  17 Comments  •  9 years ago

Am I the only one having problems now with the supposed ugrade of Hotmail? In order for them to get more advertising into the site they list a whole bunch of advertisements down the right side of...


Via: a-macarthur  •  Other  •  69 Comments  •  9 years ago

Moderating human behavior is often like trying to accomplish the metaphorically impossible task known as putting the toothpaste back in the tube MODERATION defined moderation |mdr sh n| noun 1. the...
Meta: An Experiment with Heated Discussions

Meta: An Experiment with Heated Discussions

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  33 Comments  •  9 years ago

Hi all!During the running of Mike's article introducing the moderators and how we moderate, a sub-discussion came up about articles that are flamers. We have a group called "Heated Discussions",...
About Flameaway.....He needs our help.

About Flameaway.....He needs our help.

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  96 Comments  •  9 years ago

Dear NT members,To those of you who are friends or friendenemiesof Flame, Flame has found himself in some trouble. He had gone to pick up his belongings and on the way home, his car broke down....
Towns With Numbers for Names

Towns With Numbers for Names

Via: ttga  •  Other  •  2 Comments  •  9 years ago

Interesting how some towns ended up with numbers for their names. If you know of any others, feel free to add them in comments along with any stories about how the names came about....
From Where the Next Daniel Schorr?

From Where the Next Daniel Schorr?

Via: broliver-thesquirrel-stagnasty  •  Other  •  9 Comments  •  9 years ago

For years he was on my radar screen as the Senior News Analyst for NPR, but his experience as a reporter from Eisenhower on eclipses that insufficient title. Daniel Schorr died July 23, 2010 three...
Morality and Legality: Something is Wrong With Money....

Morality and Legality: Something is Wrong With Money....

Via: broliver-thesquirrel-stagnasty  •  Other  •  66 Comments  •  9 years ago

Or maybe something is wrong with man.A few days ago I was reading an article about morality and legality, and I had one of those Dammit I am pissed off moments.Here is the comment I made:"This...
The NewsTalkers Survey Live and Working!

The NewsTalkers Survey Live and Working!

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  70 Comments  •  9 years ago

In an effort to try and understand our membership due to the large influx of new members, please take this survey to make this site a better place. The survey is totally private and only the...
Posting videos - Help?

Posting videos - Help?

Via: summer  •  Other  •  9 Comments  •  9 years ago

Ok, I've seen people post videos. I've been given instruction on how to do it - but, I still can never get it to work. Can anyone help me figure this out? ThanksI click on the "Media" above - it...
The Results of the Survey

The Results of the Survey

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  164 Comments  •  9 years ago

As per NT transparency agreement to our community, here are the results of the survey. Completion rate 100% Complete responses 121 Average time taken - Estimated time 2:00...
Problems with the group "Tree Hole"

Problems with the group "Tree Hole"

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  34 Comments  •  9 years ago

It seems that we have an unexplained problem with the tree hole. This is what we know.Neetu has closed her NT account. I have no information for this. If anyone knows something please email me.The...
Wow!  I love the new "thiny" at the very top of the page!

Wow! I love the new "thiny" at the very top of the page!

Via: dowser  •  Other  •  22 Comments  •  9 years ago

Wow! I love the new "thingy" at the top of each page, where you can go and view your profile, your friends, etc.! The colors are beautiful! I know that Perrie is still diddling with the site to...
Happy Birthday to Our Uptown Gril

Happy Birthday to Our Uptown Gril

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  40 Comments  •  9 years ago

Uptown girl We've been living in her NT world I bet she's IMing with an NT guy Because it's fun to socialize that's why This is for our uptown girl It's her birthday in this great big...


Via: leotie  •  Other  •  44 Comments  •  9 years ago

I haven't been here for awhile. I did not run away, just the weekend of the 16th, I took a long, weekend walk through hell.As some of you know, I have some health problems, neuropathy in the feet...


Via: leotie  •  Other  •  19 Comments  •  9 years ago

I wrote about Nancy on NV, I used the name "Joy" for her, now I am using her real name. She is in the room with me and I do have her permission; I would never do this otherwise.When I first met...

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