

The Shame and Disgrace Will Linger .......On Saturday, President Trump spread a conspiracy theory accusing the Clintons of murdering Jeffrey Epstein

The Shame and Disgrace Will Linger .......On Saturday, President Trump spread a conspiracy theory accusing the Clintons of murdering Jeffrey Epstein

Via: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  84 Comments  •  6 years ago

August 10, 1969: SAN CLEMENTE, Calif.—President Nixon accused his predecessor Lyndon Baines Johnson of complicity in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Speaking with reporters on...
Did Jeffery Epstein Kill Himself Because He Had Remorse For His Evil Deeds Or Because He Didnt Want To Live Without Wealth And Privilege

Did Jeffery Epstein Kill Himself Because He Had Remorse For His Evil Deeds Or Because He Didnt Want To Live Without Wealth And Privilege

By: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  155 Comments  •  6 years ago

Accused child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein hung himself in his jail cell overnight.  Why? Was he ashamed of himself beyond bearing?  Or was he overcome with despair at the prospect of spending the...
What there isn't a shred of in all this tweeting, is the slightest acknowledgement that Patrick Crusius drove 900 miles across Texas to kill Mexicans.

What there isn't a shred of in all this tweeting, is the slightest acknowledgement that Patrick Crusius drove 900 miles across Texas to kill Mexicans.

By: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  54 Comments  •  6 years ago

On Friday , early afternoon, President Trump made his first tweet about the shooting in El Paso.  https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump...
Why Are Mass Shooters Always Men?

Why Are Mass Shooters Always Men?

By: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  67 Comments  •  6 years ago

Over the past number of years there has been a sort of bubbling up consideration of an intriguing concept - what if the world was run by women?  Would it be a better place?  I remember a 60...
The Only Thing Trump Should Say Right Now Is “I’m Sorry” -    It’s long past time for him to do so.

The Only Thing Trump Should Say Right Now Is “I’m Sorry” - It’s long past time for him to do so.

Via: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  52 Comments  •  6 years ago

As this article so thoroughly points out, Trump's political career has been one racial and ethnically motivated example of hate speech after another.  The evidence is overwhelming....


Via: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Op/Ed  •  6 Comments  •  6 years ago

TO STOP THE NEXT ATTACK, EL PASO NEEDS TO BE DESCRIBED AS TERRORISM - ANALYSIS Due to the gun lobby and the Right’s position on the Second Amendment, it is extremely difficult to enact...
Reasons Why Peaceful Resolutions for the Arab-Israeli Conflict Always Fail

Reasons Why Peaceful Resolutions for the Arab-Israeli Conflict Always Fail

Via: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Op/Ed  •  33 Comments  •  6 years ago

Reasons Why Peaceful Resolutions for the Arab-Israeli Conflict Always Fail by Tawfik Hamid, August 1, 2019 The rejection of the 1947 UN Partition Plan by the Arab nations, and their...
How Not Racist Is Trump?  Uh,  The Only Black Republican In Congress Is Quitting Politics Because Of Trump's Racism

How Not Racist Is Trump? Uh, The Only Black Republican In Congress Is Quitting Politics Because Of Trump's Racism

By: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  29 Comments  •  6 years ago

Will Hurd did not specifically mention Trump, but the message is clear. He cannot defend Trump and wants to leave the seat for the Democrats to scoop up in the 70% Latino district.  Will Hurd is...
Ignoring racism continues U.S. cruelty

Ignoring racism continues U.S. cruelty

Via: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  4 Comments  •  6 years ago

Ignoring racism continues U.S. cruelty Trump's divisiveness is getting worse, not better. He makes racist comments, appeals to racist sentiments and inflames racist passions. The rationalization...
Wow: House Dems Fire Staffers For Being White…

Wow: House Dems Fire Staffers For Being White…

Via: badfish-hd-h-u  •  Op/Ed  •  107 Comments  •  6 years ago

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the House Democrats’ powerful campaign arm, has just abruptly purged half a dozen staffers. Why? Because they are white. It appears that no one...
How Republicans Questioned Robert Mueller Should Terrify Us All

How Republicans Questioned Robert Mueller Should Terrify Us All

Via: ender  •  Op/Ed  •  144 Comments  •  6 years ago

During his testimony to Congress on Wednesday, special counsel Robert Mueller faced attacks from Republicans attempting to bring his character into question by criticizing his team, his...
Op/Ed Trump Is a Racist. If You Still Support Him, So Are You.

Op/Ed Trump Is a Racist. If You Still Support Him, So Are You.

Via: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  180 Comments  •  6 years ago

The president is a racist, in his words and his actions.  Before you go clutching your pearls and extolling the virtues of “civility,” let me say this: Put a sock in it.  This is not a new...
Trump Isn't President Of The United States, He's President Of The Deplorables

Trump Isn't President Of The United States, He's President Of The Deplorables

By: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  138 Comments  •  6 years ago

Joe Walsh was a far right US Congressman for one term, and then became a conservative talk show host. He wrote an op/ed for the Washington Post about the Trump rally, which got him an invite to be...
Amy Wax’s “White” Race

Amy Wax’s “White” Race

Via: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  11 Comments  •  6 years ago

Amy Wax’s “White” Race by   LINDA CHAVEZ     JULY 23, 2019   7:32 AM University of Pennsylvania law professor Amy Wax caused a stir last week with her  comments  during...
Trump ratchets up the corruption: Finalists to host 2020 G7 summit include Trump golf resort

Trump ratchets up the corruption: Finalists to host 2020 G7 summit include Trump golf resort

Via: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  15 Comments  •  6 years ago

Donald Trump is getting bolder than ever in his efforts to profit off of the presidency. His Trump National Doral is  one of the finalists  to host next year’s G7 summit, Axios reports. The...
Defenders of a Racist President Use Jews as Human Shields

Defenders of a Racist President Use Jews as Human Shields

Via: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  23 Comments  •  6 years ago

Sebastian Gorka, a onetime adviser to Donald Trump, wore a medal from the Vitezi Rend, a Hungarian group historically aligned with Nazism, to one of Trump’s inaugural balls. Gorka was reportedly a...
Conservative intellectuals are at a turning point: Normalize Trump or resist him?

Conservative intellectuals are at a turning point: Normalize Trump or resist him?

Via: bob-nelson  •  Op/Ed  •  14 Comments  •  6 years ago

I n the span of a few days , two very different events unfolded that will, together, shape U.S. politics for the next decade. At a rally in Greenville, N.C., the president of the United...
The S Word, the F Word and the Election

The S Word, the F Word and the Election

Via: bob-nelson  •  Op/Ed  •  13 Comments  •  6 years ago

What did you think of the bunch of socialists you just saw debating on stage? Wait, you may protest, you didn’t see any socialists up there. And you’d be right. Trump supporters...
If I'm A Racist, Then You Are A Moron

If I'm A Racist, Then You Are A Moron

By: citizen-kane-473667  •  Op/Ed  •  250 Comments  •  6 years ago

It has literally been YEARS since I published anything, and to tell the truth, I really got away from blogging after the collapse of Newsvine. It had a lot to do with several things like time to...
Why I Was Wrong About Elizabeth Warren

Why I Was Wrong About Elizabeth Warren

Via: bob-nelson  •  Op/Ed  •  3 Comments  •  6 years ago

As the Democratic presidential campaign began , I was deeply skeptical of Elizabeth Warren. My first objection was that she appeared to have parlayed possible Native American heritage to gain...
Are we really living in the 1930s?

Are we really living in the 1930s?

Via: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Op/Ed  •  8 Comments  •  6 years ago

Are we really living in the 1930s? Is there somewhere a sensitive Jewish soul go to escape it all? Not to new books, theater, talk shows, conferences or any other public venue. Jew and...
Op/Ed Amazon Prime Day deals aren't worth the moral cost of exploiting their workers

Op/Ed Amazon Prime Day deals aren't worth the moral cost of exploiting their workers

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Op/Ed  •  20 Comments  •  6 years ago

By   Michelle Chen The promise of Amazon Prime Day — to be an all-encompassing one-stop shop for all our material desires at the lowest possible prices — increasingly rings hollow both for the...
U.S. as Doofus Country, China, and Grand Strategy

U.S. as Doofus Country, China, and Grand Strategy

Via: bob-nelson  •  Op/Ed  •  1 Comments  •  6 years ago

The U.S. needs to do something to strengthen its relative position, and that means it needs to start doing something to China. But that would be going about it the wrong way. Thinking...
Racism comes out of the closet

Racism comes out of the closet

Via: bob-nelson  •  Op/Ed  •  57 Comments  •  6 years ago

In 1981 Lee Atwater, the famed Republican political operative, explained to an interviewer how his party had learned to exploit racial antagonism using dog whistles. “You start out in 1954 by...
Trump Invites Stupidest Man On The Internet To White House Summit Meeting

Trump Invites Stupidest Man On The Internet To White House Summit Meeting

By: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  216 Comments  •  6 years ago

Why would the president of the United States invite the stupidest man on the internet to a White House summit meeting?   Well, Jim Hoft's website Gateway Pundit spends most of its time...

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