Tagged: editorial
NYC needs info on migrants, now — or faces being overwhelmed
News Viners
3 years ago
So, New York wants a 'Remain in Texas' policy to allow planning? That was the point of the Remain in Mexico policy that Biden has been fighting. Just because Trump initiated the Remain in Mexico...
What If I Were to Tell You COVID Cases Would Be Declining Nationally If Not For One State
We the People
4 years ago
So if not for California covid cases would be declining nationally. California and New York are the hardest hit places. Total cases in California and total deaths in New York top those lists. The...
With crime soaring, Minneapolis City Council flips on 'defund the police'
News Viners
5 years ago
Just a reminder, Joe Biden opposes defunding police (whatever that sound bite means). Joe Biden has a plan, a big beautiful plan , to throw more money at the police, establish commissions, and...
'Believe all women' standard goes out the window with Joe Biden accuser
Via: heartland-american
News & Politics
5 years ago
The believe all women standard is a double one when it comes to democrats. Believe if an accusation is made no matter how flimsy against a Republican but. Sweep it under the rug and punish the...