

Anti-Trump news coverage of impeachment trial was Super Bowl of media bias

Anti-Trump news coverage of impeachment trial was Super Bowl of media bias

Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1  •  Op/Ed  •  2 Comments  •  5 years ago

And the idiots and fools that are the lamestream media wonder why we trust used car salesmen more than their so called mews.  They are fake news and now we the people are rightfully calling them...
Dems' 10 biggest lies in Trump's Senate impeachment trial

Dems' 10 biggest lies in Trump's Senate impeachment trial

Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1  •  Op/Ed  •  6 Comments  •  5 years ago

In this whole impeachment farce democrats simply did what democrats do best.  Lie.  This whole thing was manufactured by the deep state, the Obama regime, and the lamestream media.  This has been...
Reversing course, many in GOP say Trump’s guilt is now irrelevant

Reversing course, many in GOP say Trump’s guilt is now irrelevant

Via: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  118 Comments  •  5 years ago

Reversing course, many in GOP say Trump’s guilt is now irrelevant Several prominent Republicans seemed to collectively breathe a sigh of relief yesterday. After spending months kicking around...
Alan Dershowitz reputation is shot to hell

Alan Dershowitz reputation is shot to hell

By: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  45 Comments  •  5 years ago

Back in the day Alan Dershowitz was thought of as a fussy, argumentative jackass who defended OJ Simpson in order to promote his own oversized ego. But he was considered a thoughtful legal scholar...
Next Step After The Impeachment Trial May Be An Expungement And Having The Impeachment Stricken From The Record

Next Step After The Impeachment Trial May Be An Expungement And Having The Impeachment Stricken From The Record

By: citizen-kane-473667  •  Op/Ed  •  371 Comments  •  5 years ago

It is almost a foregone conclusion that the Senate will acquit Trump of the Impeachment handed down by the House, and well it should considering the entire thing has been based on hearsay...
US Secretary Of State Mike Pompeo Harangues Reporter With Claim That No One Cares About Ukraine

US Secretary Of State Mike Pompeo Harangues Reporter With Claim That No One Cares About Ukraine

By: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  149 Comments  •  5 years ago

Mike Pompeo sat today for an interview with NPR.  The reporter asked Pompeo about Iran and Ukraine.  In the course of the questions about Ukraine the reporter asked Pompeo if he owed the one time...
Is There Any Justification for TDS?

Is There Any Justification for TDS?

Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1  •  Op/Ed  •  60 Comments  •  5 years ago

TDS is a clear and present danger to America. It is an affliction affecting secular progressives and Lincoln project Never Trump former republicans most of all.  The more campaign promises he keeps...
The Democrats are winning the argument

The Democrats are winning the argument

Via: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  98 Comments  •  5 years ago

Their only defense on the merits is to claim that the president wasn’t concerned with smearing a Democratic rival but with fighting corruption. But that’s an absurd argument to make given...
The White House doubles down on its dumbest impeachment defense

The White House doubles down on its dumbest impeachment defense

Via: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  54 Comments  •  5 years ago

The White House doubles down on its dumbest impeachment defense JANUARY 20, 2020 (Ana Ramirez/Austin American-Statesman via AP) Watching the White House put together its defense of...
Ralph Peters: Why I left Fox News

Ralph Peters: Why I left Fox News

Via: larry-hampton  •  Op/Ed  •  7 Comments  •  5 years ago

Young Americans Want Trump Gone

Young Americans Want Trump Gone

By: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  112 Comments  •  5 years ago

Almost 2/3 of Americans age 18-29 think President Trump should be found guilty in his impeachment trial and removed from office, according to a new poll released by Pew research.  "63% of those...
Where Is Rudy's Evidence? Trump Is Drowning And Needs A Lifeline

Where Is Rudy's Evidence? Trump Is Drowning And Needs A Lifeline

By: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  89 Comments  •  5 years ago

I've been watching and or listening to the impeachment prosecution , some, for the last two days, and it seems to me that they've got Trump wrapped up in a big bow and ready to send him up the...
How Mike Pompeo is a ‘master’ of ‘messaging’ that panders to ‘End Times evangelicals’

How Mike Pompeo is a ‘master’ of ‘messaging’ that panders to ‘End Times evangelicals’

Via: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  6 Comments  •  5 years ago

How Mike Pompeo is a ‘master’ of ‘messaging’ that panders to ‘End Times evangelicals’ The Christian Right loves President Donald Trump for a variety of reasons, from his racist...
Waste Of Time

Waste Of Time

By: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  30 Comments  •  5 years ago

  I know this is an utter waste of time, but I will say it anyway.  Trump asked Zelensky to announce an investigation of Biden, and then Trump lied about it.  According to you...
Does the Lev Parnas Recording Company Have More Tapes of This President*? --- Trump could have just fired Ukraine Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, but he got Rudy Giuliani's bagmen involved instead.

Does the Lev Parnas Recording Company Have More Tapes of This President*? --- Trump could have just fired Ukraine Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, but he got Rudy Giuliani's bagmen involved instead.

Via: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  0 Comments  •  5 years ago

   Who knows how many tapes    exist of the president* proposing who knows how many crimes?  WASHINGTON—Friday was the last day that the House managers would “control the time,” as they...
Consciousness Of Trump's Guilt - GOP Senator Attacks Purple Heart Recipient as "Unpatriotic" because he revealed info on Trump Zelensky phone call

Consciousness Of Trump's Guilt - GOP Senator Attacks Purple Heart Recipient as "Unpatriotic" because he revealed info on Trump Zelensky phone call

By: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  11 Comments  •  5 years ago

Marsha Blackburn is a Republican senator from Tennesee. She is a first term senator, I believe, after years as a big mouthed right winger in the tea party republican House of the Obama years....
Historians of Christian nationalism are alarmed by its appearance in American pulpits

Historians of Christian nationalism are alarmed by its appearance in American pulpits

Via: larry-hampton  •  Op/Ed  •  39 Comments  •  5 years ago

The Troll Presidency Takes Another Pointlessly Cruel Action  ,  Trump has turned the U.S. government into a cult of grievance.

The Troll Presidency Takes Another Pointlessly Cruel Action , Trump has turned the U.S. government into a cult of grievance.

Via: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  129 Comments  •  5 years ago

The Troll Presidency Takes Another Pointlessly Cruel Action Trump has turned the U.S. government into a cult of grievance. The Trump Administration decided to roll back the amount of...
The U.S.-China Trade Deal Was Not Even a Modest Win

The U.S.-China Trade Deal Was Not Even a Modest Win

Via: ender  •  Op/Ed  •  2 Comments  •  5 years ago

Trump: The Man, The Myth, The Misogyny

Trump: The Man, The Myth, The Misogyny

By: citizen-kane-473667  •  Op/Ed  •  137 Comments  •  5 years ago

As a preface, I'm going to let everyone know right off the bat, you are more than welcome to disagree! Trump: The Man! Okay, what can I really say here that we haven't all heard before. Depending...
Captain Quease

Captain Quease

By: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  23 Comments  •  5 years ago

Trump at his press gaggle today "It was all a hoax.... perfect phone call .... best economy...hoax....Rudy a great man..... hoax...witch hunt....whistle blower lied.....hoax...witch...
61 Bible Verses About Leadership

61 Bible Verses About Leadership

Via: larry-hampton  •  Op/Ed  •  6 Comments  •  5 years ago

Russia Is Hacking Ukrainian Company To Try To Help Trump And Giuliani Make A Case Against Biden

Russia Is Hacking Ukrainian Company To Try To Help Trump And Giuliani Make A Case Against Biden

By: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  70 Comments  •  5 years ago

As reported by The New York Times, the Washington Post, and others, the same  Russian entity that hacked the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's aide John Podesta's computers in...
The perverse Western mourning for Qassem Soleimani

The perverse Western mourning for Qassem Soleimani

Via: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Op/Ed  •  1 Comments  •  5 years ago

The Federalist: What Is The Point Of A Wedding If You Can't Hold It Where People Were Enslaved?

The Federalist: What Is The Point Of A Wedding If You Can't Hold It Where People Were Enslaved?

Via: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  16 Comments  •  5 years ago

The Federalist: What Is The Point Of A Wedding If You Can't Hold It Where People Were Enslaved? Back in December, as a result of a campaign from Color of Change, Pinterest and...

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