Tagged: republicans
JD Vance: I ‘created’ cat-eating story to refocus attention
Via: krishna
News & Politics
6 months ago
Photo: The claims that pets were being abducted by migrants became a rallying call for Donald Trump’s supporters and a source of derision for his detractors REBECCA NOBLE/AFP/GETTY IMAGES...
'The Interview': Senator James Lankford on Trying to Solve Immigration - The New York Times
Via: jbb
News & Politics
7 months ago
Yes Getrude in Texas, MAGA turned down "Everything the gop has ever wanted from Democrats on immigration", yet turned it all down on orders from Trump. That is a fact Gertrude in Texas. JBB...
Taylor Swift Harris Endorsement 'Likely,' Says Expert
By: krishna
News & Politics
7 months ago
Related: 1. Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour Could Generate $4.6 Billion For Local Economies 2. Taylor Swift Fans Make the Ground Shake, Seismic Activity Detected During Concerts 3. ....
Biden Hits Home Run; Sour Patch Kids Sit on their tiny Hands
By: eat-the-press-do-not-read-it
News & Politics
2 years ago
President Biden hammered a "Full Bases Loaded Homer", while the Spineless Kevin McCarthy and his "new squeeze", Margorie Taylor Green, and the "Sour Patch Kids" sat on their tiny hands, twisting...
Remember when Lindsey Graham told us the truth about Trump?
Via: krishna
News & Politics
3 years ago
Trump is a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot. Related: Lindsey Graham Breaks With Trump Again, Doubling Down On His Opposition To Pardons For The January...
Trump's intentions ? What were Trump's intentions ? No one knows for sure but Trump himself.
By: 321steve
News & Politics
4 years ago
Too long for a post? Probably. Lol So I’m seeding it as an article for now. Part one: By: 321Steve Trump was impeached charged with incitement of a Inserection....
Acting DHS Chief Wolf warns Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey: 'Your censorship poses a threat to our security'
Via: suz
News & Politics
5 years ago
I don't think I would consider this letter "scathing" but it is well articulated and hopefully, it will prevent future misunderstandings. All in all, I am glad someone was able to reach Mr....
"Fellow Traveler" The most important endorsement Trump received in 2016 was not from . . .
Via: krishna
News & Politics
5 years ago
Important Related Seeds: 1. Forbes Estimates China Paid Trump At Least $5.4 Million Since He Took Office, Via Mysterious Trump Tower Lease 2. For The First Time In American History A...
Steve Bunions refuses to cover RNC's TURD NIGHT of Bull Chips!
By: eat-the-press-do-not-read-it
News & Politics
5 years ago
Friends, Fiends, and Fellow NewsTalkers.communists, it is with a heavy heart, a monstrous load in me stinkin' Depends, that I must inform you'll that that "lying, unreliable scumbag," Stevie...
G.O.P. Platform, Rolled Over From 2016, Condemns the 'Current President'
Via: john-russell
News & Politics
5 years ago
The platform censures the "current" president — and his administration for, among other things, imposing "a social and cultural revolution," causing a "huge increase in the national debt" and...
Dr. Rick Bright testified before a hostile Republican Committee, and, a Information seeking group of Democrats on his role at BARDA
By: eat-the-press-do-not-read-it
News & Politics
5 years ago
Dr. Rick Bright, the booted-out scientist and expert on World Wide Pandemics and Infectious Diseases, was ignored, “blacked balled” (even though he is White) and, is on the way out of the Trump...
Fox News reports: Mitch McConnell says Trump’s Syria withdrawal is a ‘grave’ mistake
Via: krishna
News & Politics
6 years ago
(Photo: Fox News) Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell rebuked President Trump’s withdrawal of troops from Syria on Friday, calling it a “grave strategic mistake” in an op-ed that...
The sky isn't falling on Trump's America
Via: it-is-me
News & Politics
7 years ago
Many news reporters took up the Democrats’ banner at every stage, writing stories to follow whatever theme the party was messaging on any given day. ---------------------------------------------...
A look back: John McCain's "Arab Moment"
Via: krishna
News & Politics
7 years ago
A very important moment in American political history! This got a mixed reaction, some folks praising McCain as man of rare character, others bashing him as being a traitor to the Republican...
Our Trump Problem (by Bill Krystal)
Via: krishna
News & Politics
7 years ago
The fish, as they say, rots from the head first. And Donald J. Trump is the head of the executive branch. It's not that the U.S. government isn't beset by innumerable problems and systemic...
Topic for Discussion: Do You Hate God?
Via: krishna
News & Politics
7 years ago
Democrats Hate America, Trump & God, Rick Saccone Says PA-18 GOP nominee made comments at campaign rally on special election eve Democrat Conor Lamb, left, and Republican Rick Saccone...
Can We Admit To Anything The Two Parties Have Done That They Shouldn't Have?
By: citizen-kane-473667
News & Politics
8 years ago
Just wondering if any Democrats or Republicans can actually admit to where their Party has gone awry? The reason I ask is that I see so many pointing fingers at The Other Side and vociferously...
The Death of Discussion in American Politics
By: perrie-halpern
News & Politics
8 years ago
By Perrie Berlin-Halpern As a moderator of an internet political forum, I find it hard not to notice that over the 10+ years that I have been involved in political discussion, that I have actually...
Mitch McConnell a "weak, spineless leader"?
Via: krishna
News & Politics
8 years ago
“Senator Mitch McConnell said I had ‘excessive expectations,’ but I don’t think so,” Trump tweeted Wednesday afternoon. “After 7 years of hearing Repeal & Replace, why not done?”...
Indiana Shut Down Its Rural Planned Parenthood Clinics and Got an HIV Outbreak
Via: krishna
News & Politics
8 years ago
Scott County, Indiana, the center of an exploding HIV outbreak, has been without an HIV testing center since early 2013, when the sole provider — a Planned Parenthood clinic — was forced to...
Republicans take new steps to keep Trump’s tax returns secret
Via: krishna
News & Politics
8 years ago
History mandates presidential candidates release tax returns At a White House press briefing last week, Press Secretary Sean Spicer briefly flubbed a line before correcting himself. “I...
BREAKING NEWS: FBI'S Russian-influence probe includes look at Breitbart & Infowars "news" sites
Via: krishna
News & Politics
8 years ago
Russian President Vladimir Putin is accused by the FBI of ordering a campaign intended to influence the U.S. election. Mikhail Klimentyev AP Operatives for Russia appear to have...
Senate intelligence committee leaders: no wiretap of Trump Tower
Via: krishna
News & Politics
8 years ago
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican and Democratic leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee said on Thursday they saw no evidence to support President Donald Trump's claim that the Obama...
Stop Whining That We Only Have 2 Political Parties!
Via: krishna
News & Politics
8 years ago
People keep whining that we aren't a democracy that represents all voters because we have a 2 party system. That somehow we are forced to have only 2 parties-- that there's some sort of conspiracy...