Tagged: opinion
The Republican Party SOLD OUT America, and now sucks at the Billionaires Tit!
By: eat-the-press-do-not-read-it
News & Politics
2 years ago
My Fellow NEW TALKERS.COM Fiends, it is with great regret that I must inform you that the Republican Party you once knew, respected, and considered the Party of Adults, is now the Party of...
If someone shot Trump on 5th Ave and Killed him, his supporters would still VOTE for him.
By: eat-the-press-do-not-read-it
News & Politics
2 years ago
Trump followers, like Hitler's followers, are "emotionally attached" to Donald J. Trump, a known Con Man, Tax Cheat, Serial Adulterer, Accused Child Sex Predator, and, "a deeply disturbed...
A tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing......William Shakespeare
By: vic-eldred
3 years ago
As gas prices hit another record high and parents struggle to find baby formula, Joe Biden made it clear that it's not his fault. No, it's the fault of the people his handlers hate. Now it's an...
Why are we at each other's throats?
By: vic-eldred
3 years ago
The question here is not one where both sides are to blame. We are at each other's throats because of this American Marxist movement that seeks to destroy our history, support for our country as it...
Trump’s refusal to concede sets the stage for post-election crisis
Via: imt
News & Politics
5 years ago
1] In what actions/events is Biden's 'worst nightmare' unfolding? 2] What major, new and permanent development is emerging from this contest? 3] What Democrat Party commitments preclude a genuine...
Coronavirus hype biggest political hoax in history - OPINION
Via: 1stwarrior
5 years ago
ANALYSIS/OPINION: The new coronavirus is real. The response to the coronavirus is hyped. And in time, this hype will be revealed as politically hoaxed. In fact, COVID-19 will go down as one...
The Unbearable Rightness Of Trump
Via: heartland-american
5 years ago
Donald Trump is a great American. He’s a great President. His leadership is exceptional and his instincts right on. He has ably led us through this crisis so far and had been right in all he was...
Trump urges Americans to 'focus on prayer, grow in personal relationship with God' in Easter message
Via: heartland-american
News & Politics
5 years ago
It is great that our President and Vice President are remembering Holy Week and openly taking about our faith and hope in trying times like this. It was heartwarming to see him talk about faith...
Maybe nature shouldn’t be worshipped after all
Via: heartland-american
5 years ago
The pagan worship of nature or It’s elements and the atheist reliance on logic and reason is so limited. It’s all about revering the creations instead of the creator. One can be pro preserving...
Faith During Crisis – An American Strength
Via: heartland-american
Religion & Ethics
5 years ago
America is an exceptional nation. We are a generous people. Our country was founded by divine providence and our founders knew we have a creator who created us equal in His sight and is the giver...
OMG Just Watch: Trump Shuts Down Partisan Reporter During COVID-19 Briefing
Via: heartland-american
5 years ago
That was funny watching Trump take her stupid gotcha question and give her nothing she was trying to nail him. He totally demolished the premise of her partisan biased question
Red birds of a feather
Via: heartland-american
5 years ago
Paul Knight has it exactly right. Both candidates are looney left progressives wanting to bring socialism down upon us. The only difference is the speed they bring destruction and harm to America...
China expert Gordon Chang warns: China’s Communist Party is trying to collapse the US economy
Via: heartland-american
5 years ago
Chang is right. China is a clear and present danger to the USA and our way of life. When we recover we need to stand up to their propaganda and their economic attacks.
Sick of this Godless party? Atheist ad during Dem debate boasts ‘I’m not afraid of burning in hell’
Via: heartland-american
Religion & Ethics
5 years ago
This is sad that a major political party would take an ad from one saying they are not afraid of burning in hell. A former president’s son no less. The party booed God 8 years ago and has become...
Biden Unveils Vast LGBT Plan Overturning Trump's Religious Liberty Protections
Via: heartland-american
News & Politics
5 years ago
This is terrible. Biden plans to strip the religious liberty protections of millions of Americans and sacrifice them on the alter of PC LGBTQ appeasement and revenge. Biden wants to put...
AOC one of many hypocritical Democrats on school choice
Via: heartland-american
5 years ago
When it comes to schools, democrats are the do as I say not as I do party. They send their kids and grandchildren and others related to them where they think best while trapping poorer kids...
Blacks fed up, leaving Dems in 'Blexit' to GOP
Via: heartland-american
News & Politics
5 years ago
Blexit is real. African Americans are fed up with being taken for granted each election cycle by the party of slavery and Jim Crow. They are tired of having places they live show no improvement...
Why Are Pro-Abort-Feminists So Angry?
Via: heartland-american
Religion & Ethics
5 years ago
The anti life side is truly angry and enraged. They have gone off the deep end in their overt pro abortion rhetoric and protests. These pro life women here are right on....
Science Discovers the Benefits of Christianity
Via: heartland-american
Health, Science & Technology
5 years ago
This study is no surprise to the open minded among us. The benefits of religious observances and Christian life styles have been well known for some time. This is truly good news for most people.
Climate Alarmists Knowingly Use False Advertising to Push Radical Action
Via: heartland-american
5 years ago
Global warming is a hoax. Man primarily caused climate change is a fraud. The Competitive Enterprise Institute and Heartland Institute are right about the hype of the control freaks espouse in...
Benjamin Watson to ‘unveil the truth about abortion’ in documentary featuring Dr. Ben Carson, Alveda King
Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1
News & Politics
5 years ago
This is great news. Thanks to the Christian Post news reporter for this report. Ben Carson and Alveda King are great Americans. Fatherhood and motherhood begin at conception. The growing...
Ark Encounter, Creation Museum chosen as America’s top religious museums
Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1
News & Politics
5 years ago
This is indeed very good news. Thanks to the USA Today for doing the research and carrying the article that The Christian Post News picked up. Both the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum are great...
Left’s outrage on Pence leading coronavirus response is latest example of religious intolerance
Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1
5 years ago
It is important to expose and confront the bigotry of the secular humanists against believers and to show that believers have a right to be in the public square and express our beliefs. This...
Bernie worshiping dictators, not Denmark
Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1
5 years ago
Bernie Sanders is no democratic socialist, he’s sympathetic with hardline communist regimes, making excuses for their failures promoting what he believes good they’ve supposedly done all while...
Why Good Women Love Trump
Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1
5 years ago
Donald Trump is doing a good job. He’s a good person who relates to people, common working and middle class people. He keeps his promises. He protects our values. He puts America and Americans...
President Trump Is Making the Military Great Again, Too
Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1
5 years ago
Trump is right on to strengthen our military now in the face of the potential threats we face. Peace thru strength from Reagan is better than peace in our time democrat style appeasement
Hey Barack, You Didn’t Build That!
Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1
News & Politics
5 years ago
It is sad that the loser wannabe dictator of a former president is trying to take credit now for the economy he tried to strangle when he was president and hid the wand. Trump is the one who is...
What Christian conservatives need to know about Mike Bloomberg
Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1
News & Politics
5 years ago
Conservative and Christian opponents of Michael Bloomberg are spot on in their criticism. He is a racist. He’s said and done many things against minorities and minority Americans. He’s a...
Do Democrats Hate Democracy?
Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1
5 years ago
Yes they do. They demanded Trump express he’d support the election results even if he lost and then when they shockingly did, the losers then attempted one coup after another to overthrow the 2016...
Trump Charges the Liberal Hacks’ Latest Ambush
Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1
5 years ago
Way to go President Trump. Well done making the progressive left act the fools that they are and expose the hyenas and jackals of the lamestream media for their hate and bias. The progressives...
Dems rush to implicate Trump for plane crash linked to Iran missile strike
Via: kdmichigan
News & Politics
5 years ago
Democrats suggest Trump bears responsibility for Ukraine airliner shot down by IranIn the wake of claims that an errant missile fired by Iran brought down a passenger jet earlier this week, some...
Will Mueller Carve Trump a New One?
By: eat-the-press-do-not-read-it
6 years ago
Hopefully, Robert Mueller's testimony to the United States House of Representatives' Judiciary Committee, scheduled for tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m., July 24, 2019 will be the shot fired across...
Hollywood Madam: Want to stop human trafficking? Legalize consensual sex for money.
Via: krishna
6 years ago
Mustang Ranch Brothel (Photo credit: Luxurylaunches.com) They do it because it’s sex. They do it because it’s convenient. They do it because it’s fast. They do it because it’s hassle-free....
Fear and Loathing in the Republican Party
By: docphil
News & Politics
7 years ago
Here we go again. The midterms are upon us and the republicans are bringing on their closing arguments. Are they pushing a meme of how successful they have been during the past two years? Of...
Why I found Christine Blaisey Ford to be not credible
By: thomas-craig
News & Politics
7 years ago
Some of you know that I have been through cancer and aggressive chemotherapy from 2002 to 2003, along with having a pulmonary embolism (blood clots in the lungs) and a drop in heart function of...
Why aren't liberals fun anymore?
Via: xxjefferson51
News & Politics
7 years ago
Several months ago, the very night the Stormy Daniels story broke, I appeared on Don Lemon’s show on CNN. The producer told the guests a few minutes before we went on air that Lemon wanted...
Manafort Folds. Now What? - The New York Times
Via: jbb
News & Politics
7 years ago
Manafort Folds. Now What? - The New York Times His cooperation agreement with Robert Mueller is the start of a new chapter in the special counsel’s investigation. By Noah Bookbinder, Barry Berke...
The Realist's Truth: Right Now We Are Not One America, We Are Three Americas
By: docphil
News & Politics
7 years ago
There are small waves, large waves, and tsunamis. There is a red America, a blue America, and a purple America. There are Trumplicans, Sandercrats, and those who aren't certain what they consider...
Don't Quit the Republican Party. Stay and Fight
Via: ender
News & Politics
7 years ago
What is an anti–Donald Trump Republican to do? For Steve Schmidt — a top campaign aide to President George W. Bush’s re-election campaign, Sen. John McCain’s 2008 presidential run and other top...
The Double Standards of the Mueller investigation
Via: vic-eldred
News & Politics
7 years ago
The country is about to witness an investigatory train wreck. In one direction, special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation train is looking for any conceivable thing that President Donald...
Who will watch the watchers in our intelligence agencies? Liberals aren't interested !
Via: it-is-me
News & Politics
7 years ago
I’m just old enough to remember when liberals and major media organizations believed America’s national security apparatus had to be closely monitored to protect our civil liberties. The...
Hunger in North Korea Is Devastating. And It’s Our Fault.
Via: jeremy-in-nc
News & Politics
8 years ago
One cool morning last April in Pyongyang, North Korea, I watched a woman squat over a patch of grass along the Daedong River. A large handkerchief covering her head was knotted below her chin,...