Tagged: covid-19
Remember When Martin Luther King Was Arrested? Because Jonathan Turley Sure Doesn't! - Above the LawAbove the Law
Via: steve-ott
News & Politics
3 years ago
Fox News legal analyst Jonathan Turley, on Canada PM Justin Trudeau invoking emergency powers to deal with the "Freedom Convoy" blockade: "By this rationale, they could have cracked down on the...
Delta Will Charge Unvaccinated Employees $200 Insurance Fee | Time
Via: evilgenius
News & Politics
4 years ago
As predicted increased cases of COVID-19 are causing increases in health care costs passed on to insurance carriers, passed on to employers, passed on to employees.
Women Cashier Shot And Killed After Asking Customer To Wear Face Mask
Via: krishna
News & Politics
4 years ago
More Covid-related news: States With Low Vaccination Numbers Had Covid-19 Case Rates Last Week 3 Times Higher Than Others Where People Are Fully Vaccinated
States with low vaccination numbers had Covid-19 case rates last week 3 times higher than others where people are fully vaccinated
Via: krishna
News & Politics
4 years ago
Related Covid news: Black Woman Cashier Shot And Killed After Asking Customer To Wear F ace Mask
The three major stock market indexes closed at new record highs Monday
Via: krishna
News & Politics
4 years ago
Related: Big technology stocks like Amazon and Apple led major indexes to new records Wednesday, signaling to experts that investors are plowing into risky assets in search of market...
We Fact-Checked Biden's Prime-Time White House Address - The New York Times
Via: just-jim-nc-ttth
News & Politics
4 years ago
Have missed these the last couple of months. But in the tradition of equal time, I thought it would be a good idea going forward. Was used to POTUS getting checked every damned day.
Three Million Shots a Day
Via: nerm-l
News & Politics
4 years ago
Blah, blah, blah ... The only thing the Biden administration is managing, at this point, is public relations. The Biden administration is doing a lot of things just for show to score political...
GOP blocks House Democrats’ attempt to pass $2,000 stimulus checks
Via: krishna
News & Politics
5 years ago
Trying to cap the plan’s cost, most of Trump’s Republican Party sought $600 in direct payments rather than the $1,200 passed in the CARES Act in March....
Top Trump Appointee: "We wanted them Infected"
Via: krishna
News & Politics
5 years ago
Two Important background seeds with NT Discussions: 1. Has Sweden Found The Right Solution To The Coronavirus? "Nature’s got this one, folks. We’ve been coping with new viruses...
NIH Director 'Guardedly Optimistic' About COVID-19 Vaccine Approval By End Of 2020
Via: tig
Health, Science & Technology
5 years ago
Dr. Collins is Dr Fauci's boss. As far as expertise goes, Dr. Collins is one of the leading experts on human biology having lead the successful sequencing of the human genome. He currently...
How Trump Lost Control Of The Coronavirus Pandemic
Via: krishna
News & Politics
5 years ago
Well, to play the "Many People Are Saying Card" for a moment, I could say that "many people are saying" that what MAGA actually means is Make America (a) Graveyard Again. (Hat Tip...
Coronavirus: Health experts join global anti-lockdown movement
Via: baron-creek
Health, Science & Technology
5 years ago
Herein lies the problem, imo. There are scientists and there is science and frankly... many fields of science. In this case we have scientists declaring the dangers of current lockdown procedures,...
How Covid-19 Signals the End of the American Era -The COVID crisis has reduced to tatters the idea of American exceptionalism.
Via: john-russell
News & Politics
5 years ago
this is only about half of the original article. I recommend people read the whole thing.
New Data on T Cells and the Coronavirus | In the Pipeline
Via: freewill
Health, Science & Technology
5 years ago
This could be a move in the right direction if it is found that even pre-existing T cells can provide cellular immunity against and/or at least some level of treatment for those already infected...
Texas Governor: Coronavirus Spreading at ‘Unacceptable Rate’ in State
Via: krishna
News & Politics
5 years ago
So he's finally stopped denying that the virus is actually a real problem. And-- OMG!-- actually "pleaded" with residents to wear masks in public! Now he's going to be in big, big trouble with...
Antimalarial drug touted by President Trump is linked to increased risk of death in coronavirus patients
Via: krishna
News & Politics
5 years ago
Related Seed: Trump Says He's Taking Malaria Drug To Protect Against Virus President Donald Trump said Monday that he is taking a malaria drug to protect against the new...
Cuomo: Most new NY coronavirus hospitalizations are from people who stayed home
Via: freewill
News & Politics
5 years ago
What do you make of this? Not sure how the data was controlled, but scary to think that the shelter at home policies might be having unintended consequences.
64 NY Children Sickened With Rare COVID-Related Illness, State Finds
Via: krishna
News & Politics
5 years ago
And now apparently children can get it after all!!! Related Seeds: 1.With New Hot Spots Emerging , No Sign Of A Respite 2. Fox News Town Hall: Trump Predicts Coronavirus Vaccine...
After Negative Studies, Trump Goes Silent On 'Miracle Drug' He Touted - National Memo
Via: john-russell
News & Politics
5 years ago
Since the middle of March, Donald Trump has been pushing hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug he has described as a " miracle " and a "game changer" in the fight against the novel coronavirus. A...
Via: krishna
News & Politics
5 years ago
NT "CAPTION THIS VIDEO" CONTEST! This is one of the funniest videos I've seen in a long time-- watch Dr. Birx's facial expressions...priceless!!! Which NT member will write the funniest caption ....
Teladoc soars on bet that virtual health is here to stay
Via: krishna
News & Politics
5 years ago
Full disclosure: I own shares of TDOC, WORK, TTD, VMW, & LVGO (and of course VZ). Disclaimer: Nothing in this seed is meant to be a recommendation to buy or sell any stock. (Investing in...
White House has no plans to change Trump's coronavirus briefings as criticism mounts
Via: heartland-american
News & Politics
5 years ago
The media complains when there are no White House press briefings. Now the media complains when there are daily briefings. Then the media complains when he talks about other things and yet don’t...
Swing State Voters Pick Trump Over Biden To Handle Coronavirus
Via: heartland-american
News & Politics
5 years ago
President Trump is a great American President. He is proving to be an exceptionally good leader. All of his business acumen has proved to be good experience to help him lead us through this...
Maybe nature shouldn’t be worshipped after all
Via: heartland-american
5 years ago
The pagan worship of nature or It’s elements and the atheist reliance on logic and reason is so limited. It’s all about revering the creations instead of the creator. One can be pro preserving...
Fauci Comes Forward, Crushes Left's Narrative on Trump's Supposedly Dangerous Easter 'Deadline'
Via: heartland-american
News & Politics
5 years ago
President Trump is a great American President. He’s an inspiring leader who is showing his greatness during this crisis. It was great to see Dr. Fauci take down the liberal media mob that is...
Op/Ed...Democrats Want a Destroyed Economy and an Unpopular President
Via: heartland-american
5 years ago
Democrats having long hoped for a recession to aid in their defeat of the President they hate. They hate Trump more than they love America. There are few limits as to what they are willing to see...
Louisiana church hosts over 1,800 people despite social distance warning during coronavirus pandemic
Via: krishna
News & Politics
5 years ago
Graphic: Sword-in-Hand Weblog Related (Satire): Just As President Trump Saved My Life, He’s Fighting To Save Yours Too!